DITA Open Toolkit 3.1
DITA Open Toolkit, or DITA-OT for short, is a set of Java-based, open-source tools that provide processing for content authored in the Darwin Information Typing Architecture.
Note: While the DITA standard is owned and developed by OASIS, the DITA Open Toolkit project is governed separately.
DITA-OT is an independent, open-source implementation of the DITA standard.
DITA-OT documentation
The DITA Open Toolkit documentation provides information about installing, running, configuring and extending the toolkit.
- See the DITA Open Toolkit 3.1.3 Release Notes for information on the changes in the current release.
- Installing DITA Open Toolkit shows how to install the toolkit and run a build to verify the installation.
- Alternative authoring formats introduces the new input formats supported in DITA-OT 3.0.
- Building output provides information about transforming content, and the available output formats.
- Setting DITA Open Toolkit parameters explains how to adjust the behavior of DITA Open Toolkit via dita command arguments and options, DITA-OT parameter settings, and configuration properties.
- Customizing DITA Open Toolkit provides more advanced information on extending DITA-OT. Customizing HTML output and Customizing PDF output describe some of the most common customization scenarios. More advanced solutions are described in Customizing DITA-OT with plug-ins.
- The Error messages and troubleshooting section contains information about resolving problems that you might encounter.
- Reference topics provide additional information about the DITA-OT architecture, API and specification support, and other DITA and DITA-OT resources.