Dynamic Tables
Documentation and examples for creating dynamic tables with the Bootstrap Table extension.
DITA Bootstrap Table is a DITA-OT plug-in that extends the DITA Bootstrap HTML output with dynamic tables from the Bootstrap Table library. It adds the necessary CSS and JavaScript for dynamic tables with search, sort, and pagination functions.
Installing the DITA Bootstrap Table plug-in
Use the dita command to add the DITA Bootstrap Extension plug-in to your DITA Open Toolkit installation:
dita install net.infotexture.dita-bootstrap.table
Add <table otherprops="search">
to filter the results based on a search term.
Animal | Species | Gestation |
African wild dog | Lycaon pictus | 71 |
Alpaca | Lama pacos | 345 |
American bison | Bison bison | 285 |
Antelope (Blackbuck) | Antilope cervicapra | 165 |
Antelope (Impala) | Aepyceros melampus | 191 |
Antelope (Sable) | Hippotragus niger | 270 |
Armadillo (Nine-banded) | Dasypus novemcinctus | 120 |
Armadillo (Six-banded) | Euphractus sexcinctus | 62 |
Baboon | Papio sp. | 185 |
Badger (American) | Taxidea taxus | 60 |
Bear (black) | Ursus americanus | 220 |
Bear (grizzly) | Ursus arctos | 215 |
Bear (polar) | Ursus maritimus | 241 |
Beaver | Castor sp. | 122 |
Wild boar | Sus scrofa | 120 |
Bonobo | Pan paniscus | 228 |
Bactrian camel | Camelus bactrianus | 390 |
Barbary sheep | Ammotragus lervia | 158 |
Capuchin monkey | Cebus sp. | 180 |
Cat | Felis catus | 64 |
Cattle | Bos taurus | 283 |
Cheetah | Acinoyx jubatus | 92 |
Chital | Axis axis | 218 |
Chimpanzee | Pan troglodytes | 240 |
Chinchilla | Chinchilla chinchilla | 110 |
Chinchilla (Long-tailed) | Chinchilla laniger | 110 |
Chipmunk | Tamias striatus | 31 |
Coyote | Canis latrans | 62 |
Coypu | Myocastor coypus | 132 |
Deer (Common fallow deer | Dama dama | 228 |
Deer (mule deer) | Odocoileus hemionus | 206 |
Deer (Père David's) | Elaphurus davidianus | 284 |
Deer (red deer | Cervus elaphus | 238 |
Deer (Sambar) | Rusa unicolor | 246 |
Deer (white-tailed) | Odocoileus virginianus | 201 |
Dog (domestic) | Canis familiaris | 61 |
Dolphin (Bottlenose) | Tursiops truncatus | 364 |
Dolphin (Spinner) | Stenella longirostris | 318 |
Donkey | Equus asinus | 365 |
Eland | Taurotragus oryx | 255 |
Elephant (Asian) | Elephas maximus | 617 |
Elephant (African bush) | Loxodonta africana | 655 |
Elephant shrew (Bushveld) | Elephantulus intufi | 51 |
Elephant shrew (eastern rock elephant shrew) | Elephantulus myurus | 46 |
Flying squirrel (Southern) | Glaucomys volans | 40 |
Fox (Bat-eared) | Otocyon megalotis | 65 |
Fox (island) | Urocyon littoralis | 63 |
Fox (red) | Vulpes vulpes | 52 |
Gazelle (Dorcas) | Gazella dorcas | 132 |
Gazelle (Thomson's) | Gazella thomsonii | 165 |
Gerbil (Greater Egyptian) | Gebrillus pyramidum | 21 |
Gerbil (Mongolian) | Meriones unguiculatus | 24 |
Gibbon | Hylobates lar | 220 |
Giraffe | Giraffa sp. | 430 |
Goat (domestic) | Capra hircus | 150 |
Goat (mountain goat) | Oreamnos americanus | 176 |
Golden lion tamarin | Leontopithecus rosalia | 131 |
Gorilla | Gorilla gorilla | 257 |
Grivet | Cercopithecus aethiops | 210 |
Guenon | Cercopithecus sp. | 160 |
Guinea pig | Cavia sp. | 65 |
Hamster | Phodopus campbelli | 20 |
Hamster (Chinese) | Cricetulus griseus | 21 |
Hamster (Golden) | Mesocricetus auratus | 16 |
Hare (European) | Lepus europaeus | 41 |
Hedgehog (European) | Erinaceus europaeus | 34 |
Hippopotamus | Hippopotamus amphibius | 237 |
Horse | Equus caballus | 336 |
Human | Homo sapiens | 270 |
Hyena (Striped) | Hyaena hyaena | 90 |
Jackal (golden) | Canis aureus | 62 |
Kangaroo | Osphranter antilopinus | 42 |
Kinkajou | Potos flavus | 77 |
Koala | Phascolarctos cinereus | 34 |
Langur (northern plain) | Semnopithecus entellus | 183 |
Lemur | Lemur sp. | 128 |
Leopard | Panthera pardus | 93 |
Lion | Panthera leo | 108 |
Llama | Lama glama | 330 |
Lynx (Canadian) | Lynx canadensis | 60 |
Mangabey (Grey-cheeked) | Cercocebus albigena | 174 |
Howler monkey (mantled howler) | Alquatta paliatta | 139 |
Monkey (blue) | Cercopithecus mitis | 140 |
Monkey (Dusky leaf) | Trachypithecus obscurus | 150 |
Monkey (patas) | Erythrocebus patas | 192 |
Monkey (proboscis) | Nasalis larvatus | 166 |
Monkey (Red-tailed) | Cercopithecus ascanius | 190 |
Monkey (spider) | Ateles sp. | 139 |
Monkey (squirrel) | Saimiri sp. | 167 |
Monkey (Talapoin) | Cercopithecus talapoin | 196 |
Monkey (Vervet) | Cercopithecus pygerythrus | 195 |
Moose | Alces alces | 245 |
Mouse (domestic) | Mus musculus | 19 |
Mouse (meadow) | Zapus hudsonius | 21 |
Mouse (Cotton) | Peromyscus gossypinus | 23 |
Mouse (White-footed) | Peromyscus leucopus | 23 |
Opossum (Virginia) | Didelphis virginiana | 12 |
Orangutan (Bornean) | Pongo pygmaeus | 234 |
Orca | Orcinus orca | 532 |
Otter | Lutra sp. | 73 |
Pig (domestic) | Sus domesticus | 113 |
Porcupine (Crested) | Hystrix cristata | 112 |
Porcupine (North American) | Erethizon dorsatum | 113 |
Porpoise (harbour) | Phocoena phocoena | 270 |
Pronghorn | Antilocapra americana | 246 |
Puma | Puma concolor | 90 |
Quokka | Setonix brachyurus | 26 |
Rabbit (domestic) | Oryctolagus cuniculus | 31 |
Rabbit (European) | Oryctolagus cuniculus | 31 |
Raccoon | Procyon lotor | 63 |
Rat | Rattus sp. | 22 |
Reindeer | Reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) | 215 |
Rat (Hispid cotton) | Sigmodon hispidus | 27 |
Rhinoceros (black) | Diceros bicornis | 450 |
Rhinoceros (Indian) | Rhinoceros unicornis | 478 |
Rhinoceros (white) | Ceratotherium simum | 467 |
Rock hyrax | Procavia capensis | 255 |
Seal | Seal | 330 |
Seal (Northern fur) | Callorhinus ursinus | 254 |
Seal (Weddel) | Leptonychotes wedelli | 310 |
Sea lion | Zalophus californianus | 350 |
Sheep | Ovis aries | 150 |
Sheep (Bighorn) | Ovis canadensis | 180 |
Slow loris (Sunda loris) | Nycticebus coucang | 90 |
Siamang | Symphalangus syndactylus | 236 |
Skunk (Striped) | Mephitis mephitis | 65 |
Squirrel (gray) | Sciurus carolinensis | 35 |
Squirrel (red) | Sciurus vulgaris | 38 |
Tamarin | Saguinus sp. | 162 |
Tapir (Malayan) | Acrocodia indica | 379 |
Tiger | Panthera tigris | 109 |
Treeshrew (common) | Tupaia glis | 46 |
Walrus | Odobenus rosmarus | 456 |
Whale (Beluga) | Delphinapterus leucas | 408 |
Whale (sperm) | Physeter catodon | 535 |
Wolf | Canis lupus | 64 |
Wombat | Vombatus ursinus | 27 |
Woolly monkey (Brown) | Lagothrix lagothrica | 139 |
Yak | Bos grunniens | 255 |
Zebu | Bos taurus | 280 |
Zebra (Burchell's) | Equus quagga burchelli | 390 |
<table otherprops="search">
Add <table otherprops="pagination">
to add paginator to a large table.
Animal | Species | Gestation |
African wild dog | Lycaon pictus | 71 |
Alpaca | Lama pacos | 345 |
American bison | Bison bison | 285 |
Antelope (Blackbuck) | Antilope cervicapra | 165 |
Antelope (Impala) | Aepyceros melampus | 191 |
Antelope (Sable) | Hippotragus niger | 270 |
Armadillo (Nine-banded) | Dasypus novemcinctus | 120 |
Armadillo (Six-banded) | Euphractus sexcinctus | 62 |
Baboon | Papio sp. | 185 |
Badger (American) | Taxidea taxus | 60 |
Bear (black) | Ursus americanus | 220 |
Bear (grizzly) | Ursus arctos | 215 |
Bear (polar) | Ursus maritimus | 241 |
Beaver | Castor sp. | 122 |
Wild boar | Sus scrofa | 120 |
Bonobo | Pan paniscus | 228 |
Bactrian camel | Camelus bactrianus | 390 |
Barbary sheep | Ammotragus lervia | 158 |
Capuchin monkey | Cebus sp. | 180 |
Cat | Felis catus | 64 |
Cattle | Bos taurus | 283 |
Cheetah | Acinoyx jubatus | 92 |
Chital | Axis axis | 218 |
Chimpanzee | Pan troglodytes | 240 |
Chinchilla | Chinchilla chinchilla | 110 |
Chinchilla (Long-tailed) | Chinchilla laniger | 110 |
Chipmunk | Tamias striatus | 31 |
Coyote | Canis latrans | 62 |
Coypu | Myocastor coypus | 132 |
Deer (Common fallow deer | Dama dama | 228 |
Deer (mule deer) | Odocoileus hemionus | 206 |
Deer (Père David's) | Elaphurus davidianus | 284 |
Deer (red deer | Cervus elaphus | 238 |
Deer (Sambar) | Rusa unicolor | 246 |
Deer (white-tailed) | Odocoileus virginianus | 201 |
Dog (domestic) | Canis familiaris | 61 |
Dolphin (Bottlenose) | Tursiops truncatus | 364 |
Dolphin (Spinner) | Stenella longirostris | 318 |
Donkey | Equus asinus | 365 |
Eland | Taurotragus oryx | 255 |
Elephant (Asian) | Elephas maximus | 617 |
Elephant (African bush) | Loxodonta africana | 655 |
Elephant shrew (Bushveld) | Elephantulus intufi | 51 |
Elephant shrew (eastern rock elephant shrew) | Elephantulus myurus | 46 |
Flying squirrel (Southern) | Glaucomys volans | 40 |
Fox (Bat-eared) | Otocyon megalotis | 65 |
Fox (island) | Urocyon littoralis | 63 |
Fox (red) | Vulpes vulpes | 52 |
Gazelle (Dorcas) | Gazella dorcas | 132 |
Gazelle (Thomson's) | Gazella thomsonii | 165 |
Gerbil (Greater Egyptian) | Gebrillus pyramidum | 21 |
Gerbil (Mongolian) | Meriones unguiculatus | 24 |
Gibbon | Hylobates lar | 220 |
Giraffe | Giraffa sp. | 430 |
Goat (domestic) | Capra hircus | 150 |
Goat (mountain goat) | Oreamnos americanus | 176 |
Golden lion tamarin | Leontopithecus rosalia | 131 |
Gorilla | Gorilla gorilla | 257 |
Grivet | Cercopithecus aethiops | 210 |
Guenon | Cercopithecus sp. | 160 |
Guinea pig | Cavia sp. | 65 |
Hamster | Phodopus campbelli | 20 |
Hamster (Chinese) | Cricetulus griseus | 21 |
Hamster (Golden) | Mesocricetus auratus | 16 |
Hare (European) | Lepus europaeus | 41 |
Hedgehog (European) | Erinaceus europaeus | 34 |
Hippopotamus | Hippopotamus amphibius | 237 |
Horse | Equus caballus | 336 |
Human | Homo sapiens | 270 |
Hyena (Striped) | Hyaena hyaena | 90 |
Jackal (golden) | Canis aureus | 62 |
Kangaroo | Osphranter antilopinus | 42 |
Kinkajou | Potos flavus | 77 |
Koala | Phascolarctos cinereus | 34 |
Langur (northern plain) | Semnopithecus entellus | 183 |
Lemur | Lemur sp. | 128 |
Leopard | Panthera pardus | 93 |
Lion | Panthera leo | 108 |
Llama | Lama glama | 330 |
Lynx (Canadian) | Lynx canadensis | 60 |
Mangabey (Grey-cheeked) | Cercocebus albigena | 174 |
Howler monkey (mantled howler) | Alquatta paliatta | 139 |
Monkey (blue) | Cercopithecus mitis | 140 |
Monkey (Dusky leaf) | Trachypithecus obscurus | 150 |
Monkey (patas) | Erythrocebus patas | 192 |
Monkey (proboscis) | Nasalis larvatus | 166 |
Monkey (Red-tailed) | Cercopithecus ascanius | 190 |
Monkey (spider) | Ateles sp. | 139 |
Monkey (squirrel) | Saimiri sp. | 167 |
Monkey (Talapoin) | Cercopithecus talapoin | 196 |
Monkey (Vervet) | Cercopithecus pygerythrus | 195 |
Moose | Alces alces | 245 |
Mouse (domestic) | Mus musculus | 19 |
Mouse (meadow) | Zapus hudsonius | 21 |
Mouse (Cotton) | Peromyscus gossypinus | 23 |
Mouse (White-footed) | Peromyscus leucopus | 23 |
Opossum (Virginia) | Didelphis virginiana | 12 |
Orangutan (Bornean) | Pongo pygmaeus | 234 |
Orca | Orcinus orca | 532 |
Otter | Lutra sp. | 73 |
Pig (domestic) | Sus domesticus | 113 |
Porcupine (Crested) | Hystrix cristata | 112 |
Porcupine (North American) | Erethizon dorsatum | 113 |
Porpoise (harbour) | Phocoena phocoena | 270 |
Pronghorn | Antilocapra americana | 246 |
Puma | Puma concolor | 90 |
Quokka | Setonix brachyurus | 26 |
Rabbit (domestic) | Oryctolagus cuniculus | 31 |
Rabbit (European) | Oryctolagus cuniculus | 31 |
Raccoon | Procyon lotor | 63 |
Rat | Rattus sp. | 22 |
Reindeer | Reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) | 215 |
Rat (Hispid cotton) | Sigmodon hispidus | 27 |
Rhinoceros (black) | Diceros bicornis | 450 |
Rhinoceros (Indian) | Rhinoceros unicornis | 478 |
Rhinoceros (white) | Ceratotherium simum | 467 |
Rock hyrax | Procavia capensis | 255 |
Seal | Seal | 330 |
Seal (Northern fur) | Callorhinus ursinus | 254 |
Seal (Weddel) | Leptonychotes wedelli | 310 |
Sea lion | Zalophus californianus | 350 |
Sheep | Ovis aries | 150 |
Sheep (Bighorn) | Ovis canadensis | 180 |
Slow loris (Sunda loris) | Nycticebus coucang | 90 |
Siamang | Symphalangus syndactylus | 236 |
Skunk (Striped) | Mephitis mephitis | 65 |
Squirrel (gray) | Sciurus carolinensis | 35 |
Squirrel (red) | Sciurus vulgaris | 38 |
Tamarin | Saguinus sp. | 162 |
Tapir (Malayan) | Acrocodia indica | 379 |
Tiger | Panthera tigris | 109 |
Treeshrew (common) | Tupaia glis | 46 |
Walrus | Odobenus rosmarus | 456 |
Whale (Beluga) | Delphinapterus leucas | 408 |
Whale (sperm) | Physeter catodon | 535 |
Wolf | Canis lupus | 64 |
Wombat | Vombatus ursinus | 27 |
Woolly monkey (Brown) | Lagothrix lagothrica | 139 |
Yak | Bos grunniens | 255 |
Zebu | Bos taurus | 280 |
Zebra (Burchell's) | Equus quagga burchelli | 390 |
<table otherprops="pagination">
The following page sizes are supported:
- Table page size is 10 rows (default)
- Table page size is 25 rows
- Table page size is 50 rows
- Table page size is 100 rows
Add <table otherprops="sortable">
to allow each column to be sorted dynamically.
Animal | Species | Gestation |
African wild dog | Lycaon pictus | 71 |
Alpaca | Lama pacos | 345 |
American bison | Bison bison | 285 |
Antelope (Blackbuck) | Antilope cervicapra | 165 |
Antelope (Impala) | Aepyceros melampus | 191 |
Antelope (Sable) | Hippotragus niger | 270 |
Armadillo (Nine-banded) | Dasypus novemcinctus | 120 |
Armadillo (Six-banded) | Euphractus sexcinctus | 62 |
Baboon | Papio sp. | 185 |
Badger (American) | Taxidea taxus | 60 |
Bear (black) | Ursus americanus | 220 |
Bear (grizzly) | Ursus arctos | 215 |
Bear (polar) | Ursus maritimus | 241 |
Beaver | Castor sp. | 122 |
Wild boar | Sus scrofa | 120 |
Bonobo | Pan paniscus | 228 |
Bactrian camel | Camelus bactrianus | 390 |
Barbary sheep | Ammotragus lervia | 158 |
Capuchin monkey | Cebus sp. | 180 |
Cat | Felis catus | 64 |
Cattle | Bos taurus | 283 |
Cheetah | Acinoyx jubatus | 92 |
Chital | Axis axis | 218 |
Chimpanzee | Pan troglodytes | 240 |
Chinchilla | Chinchilla chinchilla | 110 |
Chinchilla (Long-tailed) | Chinchilla laniger | 110 |
Chipmunk | Tamias striatus | 31 |
Coyote | Canis latrans | 62 |
Coypu | Myocastor coypus | 132 |
Deer (Common fallow deer | Dama dama | 228 |
Deer (mule deer) | Odocoileus hemionus | 206 |
Deer (Père David's) | Elaphurus davidianus | 284 |
Deer (red deer | Cervus elaphus | 238 |
Deer (Sambar) | Rusa unicolor | 246 |
Deer (white-tailed) | Odocoileus virginianus | 201 |
Dog (domestic) | Canis familiaris | 61 |
Dolphin (Bottlenose) | Tursiops truncatus | 364 |
Dolphin (Spinner) | Stenella longirostris | 318 |
Donkey | Equus asinus | 365 |
Eland | Taurotragus oryx | 255 |
Elephant (Asian) | Elephas maximus | 617 |
Elephant (African bush) | Loxodonta africana | 655 |
Elephant shrew (Bushveld) | Elephantulus intufi | 51 |
Elephant shrew (eastern rock elephant shrew) | Elephantulus myurus | 46 |
Flying squirrel (Southern) | Glaucomys volans | 40 |
Fox (Bat-eared) | Otocyon megalotis | 65 |
Fox (island) | Urocyon littoralis | 63 |
Fox (red) | Vulpes vulpes | 52 |
Gazelle (Dorcas) | Gazella dorcas | 132 |
Gazelle (Thomson's) | Gazella thomsonii | 165 |
Gerbil (Greater Egyptian) | Gebrillus pyramidum | 21 |
Gerbil (Mongolian) | Meriones unguiculatus | 24 |
Gibbon | Hylobates lar | 220 |
Giraffe | Giraffa sp. | 430 |
Goat (domestic) | Capra hircus | 150 |
Goat (mountain goat) | Oreamnos americanus | 176 |
Golden lion tamarin | Leontopithecus rosalia | 131 |
Gorilla | Gorilla gorilla | 257 |
Grivet | Cercopithecus aethiops | 210 |
Guenon | Cercopithecus sp. | 160 |
Guinea pig | Cavia sp. | 65 |
Hamster | Phodopus campbelli | 20 |
Hamster (Chinese) | Cricetulus griseus | 21 |
Hamster (Golden) | Mesocricetus auratus | 16 |
Hare (European) | Lepus europaeus | 41 |
Hedgehog (European) | Erinaceus europaeus | 34 |
Hippopotamus | Hippopotamus amphibius | 237 |
Horse | Equus caballus | 336 |
Human | Homo sapiens | 270 |
Hyena (Striped) | Hyaena hyaena | 90 |
Jackal (golden) | Canis aureus | 62 |
Kangaroo | Osphranter antilopinus | 42 |
Kinkajou | Potos flavus | 77 |
Koala | Phascolarctos cinereus | 34 |
Langur (northern plain) | Semnopithecus entellus | 183 |
Lemur | Lemur sp. | 128 |
Leopard | Panthera pardus | 93 |
Lion | Panthera leo | 108 |
Llama | Lama glama | 330 |
Lynx (Canadian) | Lynx canadensis | 60 |
Mangabey (Grey-cheeked) | Cercocebus albigena | 174 |
Howler monkey (mantled howler) | Alquatta paliatta | 139 |
Monkey (blue) | Cercopithecus mitis | 140 |
Monkey (Dusky leaf) | Trachypithecus obscurus | 150 |
Monkey (patas) | Erythrocebus patas | 192 |
Monkey (proboscis) | Nasalis larvatus | 166 |
Monkey (Red-tailed) | Cercopithecus ascanius | 190 |
Monkey (spider) | Ateles sp. | 139 |
Monkey (squirrel) | Saimiri sp. | 167 |
Monkey (Talapoin) | Cercopithecus talapoin | 196 |
Monkey (Vervet) | Cercopithecus pygerythrus | 195 |
Moose | Alces alces | 245 |
Mouse (domestic) | Mus musculus | 19 |
Mouse (meadow) | Zapus hudsonius | 21 |
Mouse (Cotton) | Peromyscus gossypinus | 23 |
Mouse (White-footed) | Peromyscus leucopus | 23 |
Opossum (Virginia) | Didelphis virginiana | 12 |
Orangutan (Bornean) | Pongo pygmaeus | 234 |
Orca | Orcinus orca | 532 |
Otter | Lutra sp. | 73 |
Pig (domestic) | Sus domesticus | 113 |
Porcupine (Crested) | Hystrix cristata | 112 |
Porcupine (North American) | Erethizon dorsatum | 113 |
Porpoise (harbour) | Phocoena phocoena | 270 |
Pronghorn | Antilocapra americana | 246 |
Puma | Puma concolor | 90 |
Quokka | Setonix brachyurus | 26 |
Rabbit (domestic) | Oryctolagus cuniculus | 31 |
Rabbit (European) | Oryctolagus cuniculus | 31 |
Raccoon | Procyon lotor | 63 |
Rat | Rattus sp. | 22 |
Reindeer | Reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) | 215 |
Rat (Hispid cotton) | Sigmodon hispidus | 27 |
Rhinoceros (black) | Diceros bicornis | 450 |
Rhinoceros (Indian) | Rhinoceros unicornis | 478 |
Rhinoceros (white) | Ceratotherium simum | 467 |
Rock hyrax | Procavia capensis | 255 |
Seal | Seal | 330 |
Seal (Northern fur) | Callorhinus ursinus | 254 |
Seal (Weddel) | Leptonychotes wedelli | 310 |
Sea lion | Zalophus californianus | 350 |
Sheep | Ovis aries | 150 |
Sheep (Bighorn) | Ovis canadensis | 180 |
Slow loris (Sunda loris) | Nycticebus coucang | 90 |
Siamang | Symphalangus syndactylus | 236 |
Skunk (Striped) | Mephitis mephitis | 65 |
Squirrel (gray) | Sciurus carolinensis | 35 |
Squirrel (red) | Sciurus vulgaris | 38 |
Tamarin | Saguinus sp. | 162 |
Tapir (Malayan) | Acrocodia indica | 379 |
Tiger | Panthera tigris | 109 |
Treeshrew (common) | Tupaia glis | 46 |
Walrus | Odobenus rosmarus | 456 |
Whale (Beluga) | Delphinapterus leucas | 408 |
Whale (sperm) | Physeter catodon | 535 |
Wolf | Canis lupus | 64 |
Wombat | Vombatus ursinus | 27 |
Woolly monkey (Brown) | Lagothrix lagothrica | 139 |
Yak | Bos grunniens | 255 |
Zebu | Bos taurus | 280 |
Zebra (Burchell's) | Equus quagga burchelli | 390 |
<table otherprops="pagination sortable">