Eclipse help

The eclipsehelp transformation generates XHTML output, CSS files, and the control files that are needed for Eclipse help.

In addition to the XHTML output and CSS files, this transformation returns the following files, where mapname is the name of the master DITA map.
File name Description
plugin.xml Control file for the Eclipse plug-in
mapname.xml Table of contents
index.xml Index file

To run the Eclipse help transformation, set the transtype parameter to eclipsehelp, or pass the --format=eclipsehelp option to the dita command line.

dita-ot-dir/bin/dita --input=input-file --format=eclipsehelp


  • dita-ot-dir is the DITA-OT installation directory.
  • input-file is the DITA map or DITA file that you want to process.