Plug-in coding conventions
To ensure custom plug-ins work well with the core toolkit code and remain compatible with future releases, the DITA Open Toolkit project recommends that plug-ins use modern development practices and common coding patterns.
Upgrade stylesheets to XSLT 2.0
The Saxon project has announced plans to remove XSLT 1.0 support from the Saxon-HE library that ships with DITA-OT:
…we’re dropping XSLT 1.0 backwards compatibility mode from Saxon-HE, and hope to eliminate it entirely in due course.
DITA-OT 3.0 and 3.0.1 included Saxon-HE, which rejects XSLT stylesheets that specify
. Plug-ins with XSLT templates specifying version 1.0 will fail with the message
“XSLT 1.0 compatibility mode is not available in this configuration.”
To resolve this issue, change any occurrences of <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0">
in custom
plug-in stylesheets to at least <xsl:stylesheet version="2.0">
Use custom <pipeline>
In Ant scripts, use the XSLT module from DITA-OT instead of Ant’s built-in <xslt>
The XSLT module allows access to DITA-OT features like using the job configuration to select files in the temporary folder based on file metadata and custom XSLT extension functions.
Instead of:
<xslt style="${dita.plugin.example.dir}/custom.xsl"
<xslt style="${dita.plugin.example.dir}/custom.xsl"
<ditafileset format="dita" />
Use the plug-in directory property
In Ant scripts, always refer to files in other plug-ins using the
Instead of:
<property name="base" location="../example/custom.xsl"/>
<property name="base" location="${dita.plugin.example.dir}/custom.xsl"/>
This fixes cases where plug-ins are installed to custom plug-in directories or the plug-in folder name doesn’t match the plug-in ID.
Use <ditafileset>
to select files
In Ant scripts, use <ditafileset>
to select resources in the temporary directory.
For example, to select all images referenced by input DITA files, instead of:
<copy todir="${copy-image.todir}">
<fileset dir="${user.input.dir}">
<includes name="*.jpg"/>
<includes name="*.jpeg"/>
<includes name="*.png"/>
<includes name="*.gif"/>
<includes name="*.svg"/>
<copy todir="${copy-image.todir}">
<ditafileset format="image" />
The <ditafileset>
resource collection can be used to select different types of
Example | Description |
<ditafileset format="dita"/> |
Selects all DITA topics in the temporary directory. |
<ditafileset format="ditamap"/> |
Selects all DITA maps in the temporary directory. |
<ditafileset format="image"/> |
Selects images of all known types in the temporary directory. |
Use the plugin
URI scheme
In XSLT, use the plugin
URI scheme in <xsl:import>
to reference files in other plug-ins.
Instead of:
<xsl:import href="../../org.dita.base/xsl/common/output-message.xsl"/>
<xsl:import href="plugin:org.dita.base:xsl/common/output-message.xsl"/>
As with the plug-in directory property in Ant, this allows plug-ins to resolve to the correct directory even
when a plug-in moves to a new location. The plug-in is referenced using the syntax
Validating plug-ins
DITA-OT includes a RELAX NG schema file that can be used to validate the plugin.xml files that define the capabilities of each plug-in.
To ensure the syntax of your custom plug-in is correct, include the following <?xml-model?>
processing instruction at the beginning of the plugin.xml file, immediately after the XML
<?xml-model href="dita-ot/plugin.rnc" type="application/relax-ng-compact-syntax"?>
If your authoring environment does not apply this schema automatically, point your editor to dita-ot-dir/resources/plugin.rnc to associate the schema with your plug-in file.