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Installing DITA-OT via Homebrew

An alternative installation method can be used to install DITA-OT via Homebrew, one of the most popular open-source package managers on macOS and Linux.

The steps below assume you have already installed Homebrew according to the instructions at

Tip: Verify that your PATH environment variable begins with the bin subfolder of the Homebrew installation directory 1 to ensure that Homebrew-installed software takes precedence over any programs of the same name elsewhere on the system.

  1. Update Homebrew to make sure the latest package formulas are available on your system:

    syntax-bash $ brew update Already up-to-date.

    Homebrew responds with a list of any new or updated formulæ.

  2. Check the version of DITA-OT that is available from Homebrew:

    ```syntax-bash $ brew info dita-ot dita-ot: stable 4.0.2 DITA Open Toolkit is an implementation of the OASIS DITA specification /opt/homebrew/Cellar/dita-ot/4.0.2 (number of files, package size) * Poured from bottle using the API on YYYY-MM-DD at hh:mm:ss From: License: Apache-2.0 ==> Dependencies Required: openjdk ✔


    The version of the DITA-OT formula is shown, along with basic information on the package.

  3. Install the dita-ot package:

    syntax-bash $ brew install dita-ot Downloading…

    Homebrew will automatically download the latest version of the toolkit, install it in a subfolder of the local package Cellar and symlink the dita command to the bin subfolder of the Homebrew installation directory.

  4. Verify the installation:

    syntax-bash $ which dita /opt/homebrew/bin/dita

    The response confirms that the system will use the Homebrew-installed version of DITA-OT.

  5. Check the DITA-OT version number:

    syntax-bash $ dita --version DITA-OT version 4.0.2

    The DITA-OT version number appears on the console.

You can now run the dita command to transform DITA content.

Related information

Installing DITA-OT on macOS via Homebrew

1 Homebrew’s default installation location depends on the operating system architecture: - /usr/local on macOS Intel - /opt/homebrew on macOS ARM - /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew on Linux