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Setting build parameters with .properties files

Usually, DITA builds require setting a number of parameters that do not change frequently. You can reference a set of build parameters defined in a .properties file when building output with the dita command. If needed, you can override any parameter by specifying it explicitly as an argument to the dita command.

About .properties files

A .properties file is a text file that enumerates one or more name-value pairs, one per line, in the format name = value. The .properties filename extension is customarily used, but is not required.

  • Lines beginning with the # character are comments.
  • Properties specified as arguments of the dita command override those set in .properties files.

    Restriction: For this reason, args.input and transtype can’t be set in the .properties file.

  • If you specify the same property more than once, the last instance is used.

  • Properties not used by the selected transformation type are ignored.
  • Properties can reference other property values defined elsewhere in the .properties file or passed by the dita command. Use the Ant ${} syntax.
  • You can set properties not only for the default DITA-OT transformation types, but also for custom plugins.

  • Create your .properties file.

    Tip: Copy dita-ot-dir/docsrc/samples/properties/; this template describes each of the properties you can set.

    For example:


    Directory that contains the custom .css file:

    args.cssroot = ${args.input.dir}/css/

    Custom .css file used to style output:

    args.css = style.css

    Copy the custom .css file to the output directory:

    args.copycss = yes

    Location of the copied .css file relative to the output:

    args.csspath = branding

    Generate a full navigation TOC in topic pages:

    nav-toc = full ```

  • Reference your .properties file with the dita command when building your output.

    syntax-bash dita --input=my.ditamap --format=html5

  • If needed, pass additional arguments to the dita command to override specific build parameters.

    For example, to build output once with draft and required-cleanup content:

    syntax-bash dita --input=my.ditamap --format=html5 \ --args.draft=yes

    Tip: If you are building in different environments where the location of the input files is not consistent, set args.input.dir with the dita command and reference its value with ${args.input.dir} in your .properties file.