Extension Points

These extension points enable you to extend DITA Bootstrap. You can add Ant targets or override XSLT processing steps within the html5-bootstrap transformation.

Extending Bootstrap

Bootstrap is designed to be extensible. Additional CSS and JavaScript libraries can be added to the generated HTML pages to allow for new Bootstrap components and extend Bootstrap classes. Similarly, the DITA Bootstrap plug-in itself can be extended to process DITA files to create valid Bootstrap HTML to drive these custom components.

The Bootstrap HTML can be altered using the following extension points:

Runs an Ant target before the Bootstrap HTML generation process
Runs an Ant target after the Bootstrap HTML generation process
Overrides the default DITA Bootstrap transformation. The referenced file is integrated directly into the XSLT step that generates the HTML.

Additionally the Bootstrap CSS can be augmented using the following extension points:

Runs an Ant target before the Bootstrap CSS generation process allowing a user to append additional CSS.
Runs an Ant target immediately before the Bootstrap CSS generation process, allowing a user to append additional CSS which overrides the previous step.
Runs an Ant target after the Bootstrap CSS generation process.