DITA Bootstrap

A plug-in for DITA Open Toolkit that extends the default HTML5 output with a Bootstrap 5.3 template and components.


Use the dita command to add this plug-in to your DITA Open Toolkit installation:

dita install fox.jason.extend.css
dita install net.infotexture.dita-bootstrap
dita --install fox.jason.extend.css
dita --install net.infotexture.dita-bootstrap
dita --install https://github.com/jason-fox/fox.jason.extend.css/archive/master.zip
dita --install https://github.com/infotexture/dita-bootstrap/archive/master.zip


Specify the html5-bootstrap format when building output with the dita command:

dita --input=path/to/your.ditamap --format=html5-bootstrap

Bootswatch themes

Alternate Bootstrap themes can be downloaded directly from Bootswatch. To override the default appearance with a Bootswatch theme, pass a theme name to the dita command via the --bootstrap.theme parameter:

dita --input=path/to/your.ditamap \
     --format=html5-bootstrap \
     --args.hdr=path/to/your-header.xml \

Custom CSS

To extend the chosen theme, pass a custom CSS file to the dita command via the --args.css parameter. For a complete override of the theme where the default Bootstrap CSS is no longer required, you can disable it by setting --bootstrap.theme=none:

dita --input=path/to/your.ditamap \
     --format=html5-bootstrap \
     --bootstrap.theme=none \
     --args.hdr=path/to/your-header.xml \
     --args.css=<name-of-css>.css \
     --args.copycss=yes \
     --args.csspath=css \

Customizing headers, footers and sidebars

The plug-in includes a default static navigation menu with a project name and global link placeholders.

The default header file includes/hdr.navbar.default.xml uses the Bootstrap primary (blue) background color for the navbar component, and provides a theme menu to toggle dark mode. Bootstrap itself offers additional header examples.

You can edit a copy of this file to adjust the content of the global navigation. To override the global navigation with your own header, pass a custom header file to the dita command via the --args.hdr parameter:

dita --input=path/to/your.ditamap \
     --format=html5-bootstrap \

The plug-in includes a sample header alternative with a light navbar.

No footer is added by default, but the plug-in also includes a sample footer file and Bootstrap also offers additional examples. To add a footer to the generated output, pass a custom footer file to the dita command via the --args.ftr parameter:

dita --input=path/to/your.ditamap \
     --format=html5-bootstrap \

The plug-in extends the standard HTML5 table of contents (ToC) navigation parameter --nav-toc to add a styled navigation sidebar to the output.

As of version 5.3.1, the plug-in provides five new --nav-toc options to style the table of contents navigation with either the Bootstrap list group component, nav-pills, or collapsible menus. The following new options are available:

Styled full ToC using nav-pills
Styled partial ToC using nav-pills
Styled full ToC within a list group
Styled partial ToC within a list group
Styled full ToC with collapsible elements
dita --input=path/to/your.ditamap \
     --format=html5-bootstrap \

Common Bootstrap utility classes

The HTML output for the following DITA elements can be annotated with common Bootstrap utility classes for borders, background, text, spacing, etc. using additional command line parameters:

Common Bootstrap utility classes for accessibility links
Common Bootstrap utility classes for accessibility navigation
Common utility classes for Bootstrap accordion components
Common utility classes for Bootstrap card components
Common utility classes for Bootstrap carousel components
Common utility classes for Bootstrap carousel captions
Common utility classes for Bootstrap carousel indicators
Common Bootstrap utility classes for DITA <codeblock> elements
Bootstrap container class for main layout and menubar-TOC
Common Bootstrap utility classes for DITA <dd> definition description elements
Common Bootstrap utility classes for DITA <dl> definition list elements
Common Bootstrap utility classes for DITA <dt> definition term elements
Common Bootstrap utility classes for DITA <fig> elements
Common Bootstrap utility classes for DITA <title> elements within <fig> elements
Common Bootstrap utility classes for DITA <image> elements within <fig> elements
Common utility classes for the HTML <footer> element
Common Bootstrap utility classes for ancestors of active nav-pill elements
Common utility classes for Bootstrap pagination components
Common Bootstrap utility classes for DITA <title> elements within <section> elements
Common Bootstrap utility classes for DITA <shortdesc> elements
Common Bootstrap utility classes for DITA <table> elements
Common utility classes for Bootstrap tabbed dialog components
Common utility classes for Bootstrap vertical tabbed dialog components
Common Bootstrap utility classes for DITA <thead> elements
Common Bootstrap utility classes for DITA <title> elements within <topic> elements

Bootstrap icons for DITA notes

The default Bootstrap icons used for DITA <note> elements can be overridden using additional command line parameters:

Icon for standard notes
Icon for attention notes
Icon for caution notes
Icon for danger notes
Icon for fastpath notes
Icon for important notes
Icon for notice notes
Icon for remember notes
Icon for restriction notes
Icon for tips
Icon for trouble notes
Icon for warning notes

Optional elements

Bootstrap icons, popovers, tooltips and the dark mode toggler are enabled by default, but for performance reasons they can be disabled by setting the following command line parameters to no:

Enable Bootstrap icons
Enable Bootstrap popover components and tooltip components
Whether to include support for a dark mode toggler

Opt-in breadcrumbs and menu bars and other modifiers can be enabled by setting the following command line parameters to yes:

Enable Bootstrap breadcrumb components
Add a Bootstrap menubar
Whether to force included support for RTL languages

The following additional command line parameters are also available and described in more detail within the documentation:

Add a Bootstrap scrollspy navigator
Vertical padding to add to the side menu