Navigation Menus

Add a responsive Bootstrap-styled table of contents to your HTML output.


The plug-in extends the standard HTML5 table of contents (ToC) navigation parameter --nav-toc to add table of contents items to the navigation sidebar. (The navigation is rendered as a sidebar in desktop browsers and collapsible on smaller devices.)

By default, the plug-in uses the partial option to include the current topic in the ToC along with its parents, siblings and children. As with the default HTML5 plug-in, the full option can also be used to generate a complete ToC for the entire map, or none to disable the table of contents entirely.

As of version 5.3.1, the plug-in provides five new options to style the table of contents navigation with either the Bootstrap list group component, nav-pills, or collapsible menus.

  • list-group-full – Styled full ToC within a Bootstrap list group
  • list-group-partial – Partial ToC with the current topic, parents, siblings, and children in a list group
  • nav-pill-full – Styled full ToC using Bootstrap nav-pills
  • nav-pill-partial – Partial ToC with the current topic, parents, siblings, and children using Bootstrap nav-pills
  • collapsible – Styled full ToC using collapsible list elements

To use these options, pass the desired value to the dita command via the --nav-toc parameter:

dita --input=path/to/your.ditamap \
     --format=html5-bootstrap \

The sidebar is hidden by default on mobile. To ensure that the sidebar content can be accessed, the header file must include the following toggle with @data-bs-target="#bdSidebar" and @data-bs-toggle="offcanvas":

<div class="bd-navbar-toggle">
  <button class="navbar-toggler p-2" type="button"
    data-bs-toggle="offcanvas" data-bs-target="#bdSidebar"
    aria-controls="bdSidebar" aria-label="Toggle docs navigation">
    <i class="bi bi-list"/>

The look and feel of the mobile sidebar header can be altered using the --bootstrap.sidebar.hdr parameter and supplying an HTML header file:

dita --input=path/to/your.ditamap \
  --format=html5-bootstrap \
  --nav-toc=<sidebar-style> \

The plug-in includes a sample header.

No footer is added to the sidebar by default, but a custom sidebar footer can be added using the parameter and supplying an HTML footer file:

dita --input=path/to/your.ditamap \
  --format=html5-bootstrap \
  --nav-toc=<sidebar-style> \

The plug-in also includes a sample custom footer.

Menu bar

Additionally, the first-level navigation menu can be switched to a horizontal Bootstrap navbar to reduce the depth of the ToC. To use this option, add the --menubar-toc.include=yes parameter to the dita command:

dita --input=path/to/your.ditamap \
     --format=html5-bootstrap \
     --nav-toc=list-group-partial \

Top bar

A collapsible menu placed above the main menu can be included by adding the --bootstrap.topbar.hdr parameter to the dita command:

dita --input=path/to/your.ditamap \
     --format=html5-bootstrap \
     --nav-toc=<sidebar-style> \

The plug-in also includes a sample custom header.


Dividers can be added to items rendered in collapsible sidebars and menus by adding the <othermeta name="divider"> element to the <topicmeta> element in the DITA map topic reference. You can specify a label for the divider via the @content attribute on the <othermeta> element.

<topicref navtitle="Search Box" format="dita" type="topic" href="search-box.dita">
    <othermeta name="divider" content="Additional Plug-ins"/>