Open Document Format processing modules

The odt transformation creates a binary file using the OASIS Open Document Format.

The odt transformation begins with pre-processing. It then runs either the dita.odt.package.topic or target, depending on whether the input to the transformation is a DITA topic or a DITA map. The following description focuses on the map process, which is made up of the following targets: : Converts the map into a merged XML file using the Java-based topicmerge module. Then an XSLT process converts the merged file into the content.xml file. : Reads the input DITA map, and then uses XSLT to create a styles.xml file in the temporary directory.

dita.out.odt.manifest.file : Creates the manifest.xml file

Once these targets have run, the generated files are zipped up together with other required files to create the output ODT file.