Eclipse help processing

The eclipsehelp transformation generates XHTML-based output and files that are needed to create an Eclipse Help system plug-in. Once the normal XHTML process has run, the target is used to create a set of control files and navigation files.

Eclipse uses multiple files to control the plug-in behavior. Some of these control files are generated by the build, while others might be created manually. The following Ant targets control the Eclipse help processing: : Sets up various default properties : Creates the XML file that defines an Eclipse table of contents : Creates the sorted XML file that defines an Eclipse index : Creates the plugin.xml file that controls the behavior of an Eclipse plug-in : Creates a Java properties file that sets properties for the plug-in, such as name and version information : Creates a MANIFEST.MF file that contains additional information used by Eclipse

copy-plugin-files : Checks for the presence of certain control files in the source directory, and copies those found to the output directory : Works in conjunction with the and targets to control Eclipse fragment files, which are used for versions of a plug-in created for a new language or locale

Several of the targets listed above have matching templates for processing content that is located outside of the scope of the map directory, such as