Arguments and options for the dita command

The dita command takes mandatory arguments to process DITA content, manage plug-ins, or print information about the command. Options can be used to modify the command behavior or specify additional configuration parameters.


**dita** **-i** file **-f** name [ options ]

**dita** **-install** [ { file | url } ]

**dita** **-uninstall** id

**dita** **-help**

**dita** **-version**


-i, -input file : Specifies the master file for your documentation project. Typically this is a DITA map, however it also can be a DITA topic if you want to transform a single DITA file. The path can be absolute, relative to args.input.dir, or relative to the current directory if args.input.dir is not defined.

-f, -format name : Specifies the output format (transformation type).

-install file -install url : Install a single plug-in from a local ZIP file or from a URL.

-install : If no file or url argument is provided, the integration process reloads plug-ins from the plugins directory. This approach can be used to integrate mutltiple plug-ins at once.

-uninstall id : Uninstall a plug-in with the specified ID.

-h, -help : Print command usage help.

-version : Print version information and exit.


-o, -output dir : Specifies the path of the output directory; the path can be absolute or relative to the current directory. By default, the output is written to the out subdirectory of the current directory.

-filter file : Specifies a filter file to be used to include, exclude, or flag content.

-t, -temp dir : Specifies the location of the temporary directory.

-v, -verbose : Verbose logging.

-d, -debug : Debug logging.

-l, -logfile file : Write logging messages to a file.

-Dproperty=value : Specify a value for a parameter. Supported parameters are the same as Ant parameters and are transformation type specific.

-propertyfile file : Load all properties from a file. Properties specified with the -D option take precedence.

Related information

DITA-OT parameters