PDF parameters

Certain parameters are specific to the PDF transformation.

args.artlbl : Specifies whether to generate a label for each image; the label will contain the image file name. The allowed values are yes and no; the default value is no.

args.bookmap-order : Specifies if the frontmatter and backmatter content order is retained in bookmap. The allowed values are retain and discard; the default value is discard.

args.bookmark.style : Specifies whether PDF bookmarks are by default expanded or collapsed. The allowed values are EXPANDED and COLLAPSE.

args.chapter.layout : Specifies whether chapter level TOCs are generated. The allowed values are MINITOC and BASIC; the default value is MINITOC.

args.fo.userconfig : Specifies the user configuration file for FOP.

args.xsl.pdf : Specifies an XSL file that is used to override the default XSL transformation.

: You must specify the fully qualified file name.

axf.opt : Specifies the user configuration file for Antenna House Formatter.

custom.xep.config : Specifies the user configuration file for RenderX.

customization.dir : Specifies the customization directory.

org.dita.pdf2.i18n.enabled : Enables I18N font processing. The following values are supported:

-   true \(default\) – Enables I18N processing
-   false – Disables I18N processing

pdf.formatter : Specifies the XSL processor. The following values are supported:

-   ah – Antenna House Formatter
-   xep – RenderX XEP Engine
-   fop \(default\) – Apache FOP

publish.required.cleanup : Specifies whether draft-comment and required-cleanup elements are included in the output. The allowed values are yes, no, yes, and no.

: The default value is the value of the args.draft parameter. Corresponds to the XSLT parameter publishRequiredCleanup.

**Note:** This parameter is deprecated in favor of the args.draft parameter.

Related information

PDF transformation

Common parameters