The error messages generated by the DITA Open Toolkit contain a message ID, severity information, and message text. This topic lists each error message generated by the toolkit and provides additional information that might be helpful in understanding and resolving the error condition.
Each message ID is composed of a message prefix, a message number, and a letter that indicates the severity (I, W, E, or F). The toolkit uses the following severity scale:
Informational (I)
: The toolkit encountered a condition of which you should be aware. For example, draft comments are enabled and will be rendered in the output.
Warning (W)
: The toolkit encountered a problem that should be corrected. Processing will continue, but the output might not be as expected.
Error (E)
: The toolkit encountered a more severe problem, and the output is affected. For example, some content is missing or invalid, or the content is not rendered in the output
Fatal (F)
: The toolkit encountered a severe condition, processing stopped, and no output is generated.
Message ID
Message text
Additional details
"%1" is not a recognized transformation type. Supported transformation types are common-html, docbook, eclipsecontent, eclipsehelp, html5, htmlhelp, javahelp, odt, org.dita-ot.html, pdf, pdf2, tocjs, troff, wordrtf, xhtml.
Default transformation types that ship with the toolkit include xhtml, eclipsehelp, pdf (or pdf2), tocjs, htmlhelp, javahelp, odt, eclipsecontent, troff, docbook, and wordrtf. Additional transformation types may be available if toolkit plug-ins are installed.
Input file is not specified, or is specified using the wrong parameter.
The input parameter was not specified, so there is no DITA or DITAMAP file to transform. Ensure the parameter is set properly; see DITA-OT common parameters (args.input) if you are unsure how to specify the input file.
Cannot find the user specified XSLT stylesheet '%1'.
An alternate stylesheet was specified to run in place of the default XSLT output process, but that stylesheet could not be loaded. Please correct the parameter to specify a valid stylesheet.
Invalid DITA topic extension '%1'. Supported values are '.dita' and '.xml'.
This optional parameter is used to set an extension for DITA topic documents in the temporary processing directory. Only "dita", ".dita", "xml", or ".xml" are allowed.
Absolute paths on the local file system are not supported for the CSSPATH parameter. Please use a relative path or full URI instead.
If the CSSPATH uses an absolute path, it should be one that can still be accessed after the files are moved to another system (such as Absolute paths on the local file system will be broken if the content is moved to a new system.
Cannot find the running-footer file "%1". Please double check the value to ensure it is specified correctly.
The running footer file, which contains content to be added to the bottom of each XHTML output topic, cannot be located or read. This is usually caused by a typo in the parameter value. You should also ensure that the value is not specified with "file:" as a prefix.
Cannot find the running-header file "%1". Please double check the value to ensure it is specified correctly.
The running header file, which contains content to be added to the top of each XHTML output topic, cannot be located or read. This is usually caused by a typo in the parameter value. You should also ensure that the value is not specified with "file:" as a prefix.
Cannot find the specified heading file "%1". Please double check the value to ensure it is specified correctly.
The running heading file, which contains content to be added to the section of each HTML output topic, cannot be located or read. This is usually caused by a typo in the parameter value. You should also ensure that the value is not specified with "file:" as a prefix.
Argument "%1" is deprecated. This argument is no longer supported in the toolkit.
Argument "%1" is deprecated. Please use the argument "%2" instead.
Cannot find the specified DITAVAL '%1'.
Cannot find the user specified XSLT stylesheet '%1'.
An alternate stylesheet was specified to run in place of the default XSL-FO output process, but that stylesheet could not be loaded. Please correct the parameter to specify a valid stylesheet.
Ignoring index-see '%1' inside parent index entry '%2' because the parent indexterm contains indexterm children. According to the DITA Specification, the index-see element should be ignored if the parent indexterm contains other indexterm children.
This condition is ignored, as instructed in the OASIS DITA Standard.
Ignoring index-see-also '%1' inside parent index entry '%2' because the parent indexterm contains indexterm children. According to the DITA Specification, the index-see-also element should be ignored if the parent indexterm contains other indexterm children.
This condition is ignored, as instructed in the OASIS DITA Standard.
Input file '%1' cannot be located or read. Ensure that file was specified properly and that you have permission to access it.
Please ensure that the input file path and file name were entered correctly.
Target "%1" is deprecated. Remove references to this target from your custom XSLT or plug-ins.
Failed to create new instance for '%1'. Please ensure that '%1' exists and that you have permission to access it.
Duplicate condition in filter file for rule '%1'. The first encountered condition will be used.
Cannot overwrite file '%1' with file '%2'. The modified result may not be consumed by the following steps in the transform pipeline. Check to see whether the file is locked by some other application during the transformation process.
The transform was unable to create files properly during the transform; results may not be as expected.
Failed to parse the input file '%1'.
This message may indicate an invalid input file (such as accidentally specifying a PDF file as input rather than a DITA map file), an input file that uses elements which are not allowed, are not part or a DITA file that has errors and cannot be parsed as XML. You could also be using a specialized DITA document type that needs external plug-ins in order to be parsed correctly. The message issued by the XML parser should provide additional information to help diagnose the cause.
Failed to parse the referenced file '%1'.
This message may indicate a reference to an invalid file (such as accidentally referencing a PDF or unknown XML file as if it was DITA), a referenced file that uses elements which are not allowed, or a referenced DITA file that has errors and cannot be parsed as XML. You could also be using a specialized DITA document type that needs external plug-ins in order to be parsed correctly. The message issued by the XML parser should provide additional information to help diagnose the cause.
Found an indexterm element with no content. Setting the term to ***.
An empty element was found, and will appear in the index as ***. This index term should be removed from the source.
Log file '%1' was generated successfully in directory '%2'. Any messages from the transformation process are available in the log file; additional details about each message are available in the DITA-OT user guide.
At least one plug-in in '%1' is required by plug-in '%2'. Plug-in '%2' cannot be loaded. Check and see whether all prerequisite plug-ins are installed in toolkit.
This will appear when one installed plug-in requires another in order to function correctly, but the required plug-in is not found. The installed plug-in will be ignored.
File '%1' will not generate output since it is invalid or all of its content has been filtered out by the ditaval file. Please check the file '%1' and the ditaval file to see if this is the intended result.
This may appear if filter conditions on the root element of a topic cause the entire topic to be filtered out. To remove this message, you could place any filter conditions on the reference to this file, which will prevent the build from accessing this file.
Failed to parse the input file '%1' because all of its content has been filtered out. This will happen if the input file has filter conditions on the root element, and a ditaval excludes all content based on those conditions.
Either the input file or the ditaval file should change, otherwise your build is explicitly excluding all content.
Failed to get the specified image file '%1', so it will not be included with your output.
Check whether the image exists in the source location or already exists in the output directory.
The input to the "topic merge" transform process could not be found. Correct any earlier transform errors and try the build again, or see the DITA-OT User Guide for additional causes.
This message should only appear in the following cases: - Errors earlier in the transform prevented this step of the transform from running; correct any errors and try the build again.
An Ant build or plug-in is directly calling the toolkit's topic merge module, and is doing so improperly; in this case the Ant build or plug-in needs to be fixed.
In the past, problems have been encountered when calling this module with an absolute path; this should no longer be an issue, but may be fixed in older releases by updating the Ant build or plug-in.
|DOTJ026E|Error|The "topic merge" did not generate any output. Correct any earlier transform errors and try the build again, or see the DITA-OT User Guide for additional causes.|This message should only appear if an Ant build or plug-in is directly calling the toolkit's topic merge module, or if earlier errors resulted in problems with some of the content. If the topic merge module is called correctly, then this indicates a program error that should be reported to the DITA-OT development team, at DITA-OT bug and feature tracker.|
|DOTJ028E|Error|No format attribute was found on a reference to file '%1', which does not appear to be a DITA file. If this is not a DITA file, set the format attribute to an appropriate value, otherwise set the format attribute to "dita".|When referencing a non-DITA file, the format attribute should indicate the type of file referenced (such as "html" for HTML topics or "pdf" for PDF files). Otherwise, the transform may attempt to parse the referenced document as a DITA topic.|
|DOTJ029I|Informational|No 'domains' attribute was found for element '<%1>'. This generally indicates that your DTD or Schema was not developed properly according to the DITA specification.|The domains attribute is used in specialized DITA documents to help determine which domain elements are legal. This message will only appear if DITA specialization was not defined properly.|
|DOTJ030I|Informational|No 'class' attribute for was found for element '<%1>'. This generally indicates that your DTD or Schema was not developed properly according to the DITA specification.|All specialized DITA elements must define a class attribute to provide ancestry information. This message will only appear a specialized DITA element did not define a class attribute.|
|DOTJ031I|Informational|No specified rule for '%1' was found in the ditaval file. This value will use the default action, or a parent prop action if specified. To remove this message, you can specify a rule for '%1' in the ditaval file.|This informational message is intended to help you catch filter conditions that may have been specified improperly; if the value is correct, no action is needed.|
|DOTJ033E|Error|No valid content is found in topicref '%1' during chunk processing. Please specify an existing and valid topic for the topicref.| |
|DOTJ034F|Fatal|Failed to parse the input file '%1' (the content of the file is not valid). If the input file '%1' does not have a DOCTYPE declaration, please make sure that all class attributes are present in the file.|DITA processing is based on class attributes defined for every element. Usually these are defaulted in the DTD or Schema; if no DTD or Schema is used, the class attributes must be explicitly included in the map or topic.|
|DOTJ035F|Fatal|The file "%1" referenced by "%2" is outside the scope of the input dita/map directory. If you want to lower the severity level, please use the Ant parameter 'outer.control', and set the value to "warn" or "quiet". Otherwise, move the referenced file "%1" into the input dita/map directory.|This will appear when a topic is outside the scope of the map; for example, if the main input map references "../other-directory/some.dita". The result would cause an output file to be created outside of the output directory. See DITA-OT common parameters (outer.control and generate.copy.outer) for details.|
|DOTJ036W|Warning|The file "%1" referenced by "%2" is outside the scope of the input dita/map directory.|This will appear when a topic is outside the scope of the map; for example, if the main input map references "../other-directory/some.dita". The result would cause an output file to be created outside of the output directory. If you do not want to see the warning message, please use the Ant parameter 'outer.control', and set the value to "quiet". Otherwise, move the referenced file into the input dita/map directory. See DITA-OT common parameters (outer.control and generate.copy.outer) for details.|
|DOTJ037W|Warning|The XML schema and DTD validation function of the parser is turned off. Please make sure the input is normalized DITA with class attributes included, otherwise it will not be processed correctly.|DITA processing is based on class attributes defined for every element. Usually these are defaulted in the DTD or Schema; if validation against the DTD or Schema is turned off, the class attributes must be explicitly included in the map or topic.|
|DOTJ038E|Error|The tag "%1" is specialized from unrecognized metadata. Please make sure that tag "%1" is specialized from an existing metadata tag in the core DITA vocabulary.|This appears to indicate an error in creating specialized metadata elements. Please verify that the document type you are using is complete and complies with DITA Specialization rules.|
|DOTJ039E|Error|There is no target specified for conref push action "pushafter". Found in file="%1", element="%2". Please add before current element.|Please see the topic on Conref Push in the DITA specification for details on expected syntax for this function.|
|DOTJ040E|Error|An element uses the attribute conaction="replace", but a conref attribute is not found in the expected location. Found in file="%1", element="%2".|Please see the topic on Conref Push in the DITA specification for details on expected syntax for this function.|
|DOTJ041E|Error|The attribute conref="%1" uses invalid syntax. The value should contain '#' followed by a topic or map ID, optionally followed by '/elemID' for a sub-topic element.|The conref attribute must be a URI reference to a DITA element. Please see the topic on URI-based addressing in the DITA specification for details on the expected syntax.|
|DOTJ042E|Error|Two elements both use conref push to replace the target "%1". Please delete one of the duplicate "replace" actions.|The conref push function was used to replace a single element with two or more alternatives. Only one element may directly replace another using conref push. See Conref Push in the DITA specification for more information about the conref push "replace" function.|
|DOTJ043W|Warning|The conref push function is trying to replace an element that does not exist (element "%1" in file "%2").|The target for a conref push action does not exist; please make sure that the syntax is correct and that the target exists. See the topic on URI-based addressing in the DITA specification for details on the expected syntax. If the syntax is correct, it is possible that the target was filtered out of your build using a DITAVAL file.|
|DOTJ044W|Warning|There is a redundant conref action "pushbefore". Found in file="%1", element="%2". Please make sure that "mark" and "pushbefore" occur in pairs.|Please see the topic on Conref Push in the DITA specification for details on expected syntax for this function.|
|DOTJ045I|Informational|The key "%1" is defined more than once in the same map file. The reference href="%2" is ignored.|No response is needed if the keys are defined as expected; this is informational only, to help catch incorrectly defined keys.|
|DOTJ046E|Error|Conkeyref="%1" can not be resolved because it does not contain a key or the key is not defined. The build will use the conref attribute for fallback, if one exists.|See the conkeyref definition for details on expected syntax and usage.|
|DOTJ047I|Informational|Unable to find key definition for key reference "%1" in root scope. The href attribute may be used as fallback if it exists|This message is intended to help you locate incorrectly specified keys; if the key was specified correctly, this message may be ignored.|
|DOTJ048I|Informational|Unable to find key definition for key reference "%1" in scope "%2". The href attribute may be used as fallback if it exists| |
|DOTJ049W|Warning|The attribute value %1="%3" on element "%2" does not comply with the specified subject scheme. According to the subject scheme map, the following values are valid for the %1 attribute: %4|A DITA Subject Scheme map was used to limit values that are available to the specified attribute. Please correct the attribute so that it uses one of the allowed values.|
|DOTJ050W|Warning|Found an or reference to the term '%1', but that term is not defined in the index.|The Eclipse index will contain a value such as "See also otherEntry", but otherEntry does not exist in this index. The index reference will be broken unless this plug-in is always loaded into Eclipse with another plug-in that defines otherEntry as an index term.|
|DOTJ051E|Error|Unable to load target for coderef "%1".|The target for a coderef element, which specifies an external text-based file, could not be located or loaded. Please verify that the reference is correct.Note that for security reasons, references to code samples outside of the scope of the map directory are not supported by default, as this could allow a reference to access and display any restricted or hidden file on the system. If you are certain that the path is valid and the file should be loaded, the current workaround is to set a parameter to allow these references. See DITA-OT common parameters (outer.control and generate.copy.outer) for details.
|DOTJ052E|Error|Code reference charset "%1" not supported. See the DITA-OT User guide for supported charset values on the format attribute.|The DITA-OT supports a special syntax on coderef elements to specify the character set of the target document. See Extended functionality for details on the expected syntax.|
|DOTJ053W|Warning|Input file '%1' is not valid DITA file name. Please check '%1' to see if it is correct. The extensions ".dita" or ".xml" are supported for DITA topics.|By default, the DITA-OT supports the extensions "dita" and "xml" for DITA topics, as mandated by the DITA Specification. Please verify that your topics use one of these extensions, or configure the toolkit to allow additional extensions.|
|DOTJ054E|Error|Unable to parse invalid %1 attribute value "%2"| |
|DOTJ055E|Error|Invalid key name "%1".| |
|DOTJ056E|Error|Invalid xml:lang "%1".| |
|DOTJ057E|Error|The id attribute value "%1" is not unique within the topic that contains it.| |
|DOTJ058E|Error|Both %1 and %2 attributes defined. A single element may not contain both generalized and specialized values for the same attribute.| |
|DOTJ059E|Error|Invalid key scope name "%1".| |
|DOTJ060W|Warning|Key "%1" was used in conkeyref but is not bound to a DITA topic or map. Cannot resolve conkeyref value "%2" as a valid conref reference.| |
|DOTJ061E|Error|Topic reference target is a DITA map but format attribute has not been set. Set format attribute value to "ditamap".| |
|DOTJ062E|Error|Invalid %1 attribute value "%2".| |
|DOTJ063E|Error|The cols attibute is "%1" but number of colspec elements was %2.| |
|DOTJ064W|Warning|Chunk attribute uses both "to-content" and "by-topic" that conflict with each other. Ignoring "by-topic" token.| |
|DOTJ065I|Informational|Branch filter generated topic %1 used more than once. Renaming %1 to %2.| |
|DOTJ066E|Error|No id attribute on topic type element %1. Using generated id %2.| |
|DOTJ067E|Error|No id attribute on topic type element %1.| |
|DOTJ068E|Error|Circular key definition %1.| |
|DOTX001W|Warning|No string named '%1' was found for language '%2'. Using the default language '%3'. Add a mapping between default language and desired language for the string '%1'.|This build uses generated text, such as the phrase "Related information" (which is generated above many link groups). The toolkit was unable to locate the string %1 for your specified language, so the string will appear in the default language. This generally indicates that the toolkit's strings needs to be updated to support your language, or that your language setting is incorrect.|
|DOTX002W|Warning|The title element or attribute in the ditamap is required for Eclipse output.|The Eclipse help system requires a title in the project files generated from your map. Please add a title to your input map to get valid Eclipse help output.|
|DOTX003I|Informational|The anchorref attribute should either reference another dita map or an Eclipse XML TOC file. The value '%1' does not appear to reference either.|Eclipse uses anchor references to connect with other TOC files. For this to work in content generated from a DITA map, the anchorref element must reference either an existing Eclipse TOC XML file, or another DITA map (which will presumably also be converted to an Eclipse TOC).|
|DOTX004I|Informational|Found a navref element that does not reference anything. The navref element should either reference another dita map or an Eclipse XML file.|Eclipse builds use DITA's element to pull in other Eclipse TOC files. The build found a element that does not reference any other file; the element will be ignored.|
|DOTX005E|Error|Unable to find navigation title for reference to '%1'. The build will use '%1' as the title in the Eclipse Table of Contents.|To remove this message, provide a navigation title for the referenced object in the map or topic, or ensure that you are referencing a valid local DITA target.|
|DOTX006E|Error|Unknown file extension in href="%1". References to non-DITA resources should set the format attribute to match the resource (for example, 'txt', 'pdf', or 'html').|Set the format attribute to identify the format of the file. If the reference is to a DITA document, ensure that the document uses a valid DITA extension (default supported extensions are "dita" and "xml").|
|DOTX007I|Informational|Only DITA topics, HTML files, and images may be included in your compiled CHM file. The reference to "%1" will be ignored. To remove this message, you can set the toc="no" or processing-role="resource-only" attribute on your topicref.|The HTML Help compiler will only include some types of information in the compiled CHM file; the current reference will not be included.|
|DOTX008E|Error|File '%1' does not exist or cannot be loaded.|Ensure that the file exists and can be read. Note that the name of the file in this message may have be changed to use a standard dita topic file extension ('.dita' or '.xml'), instead of the original extension used by the file; it may also include a path to the temporary directory rather than to the original.|
|DOTX008W|Warning|File '%1' cannot be loaded, and no navigation title is specified for the table of contents.|To fix the table of contents, specify a navigation title in your map or ensure that the referenced file is local and can be accessed. Note that the name of the file in this message may have be changed to use a standard dita topic file extension ('.dita' or '.xml'), instead of the original extension used by the file; it may also include a path to the temporary directory rather than to the original.|
|DOTX009W|Warning|Could not retrieve a title from '%1'. Using '%2' instead.|No title was found in the specified topic, so the table of contents will use the indicated fallback value for this topic.|
|DOTX010E|Error|Unable to find target for conref="%1".|The conref attribute must be a URI reference to an existing DITA element. Please see the topic on URI-based addressing in the DITA specification for details on the expected syntax. Note that the name of the file in this message may have be changed to use a standard dita topic file extension ('.dita' or '.xml'), instead of the original extension used by the file; it may also include a path to the temporary directory rather than to the original.If the target element exists in your source file, check to make sure it is not filtered out of the build with a DITAVAL file (which will remove the target before conref processing runs).
|DOTX011W|Warning|There is more than one possible target for the reference conref="%1". Only the first will be used. Remove the duplicate id in the referenced file.|When pulling content with a conref attribute, you may only pull from a single element, but the target ID appears twice in the referenced topic. Note that the name of the file in this message may have be changed to use a standard dita topic file extension ('.dita' or '.xml'), instead of the original extension used by the file; it may also include a path to the temporary directory rather than to the original.|
|DOTX012W|Warning|When you conref another topic or an item in another topic, the domains attribute of the target topic must be equal to or a subset of the current topic's domains attribute. Put your target under an appropriate domain. You can see the messages guide for more help.|This message is deprecated and should no longer appear in any logs.|
|DOTX013E|Error|A element with attribute conref="%1" indirectly includes itself, which results in an infinite loop.|This may appear if (for example) you have a <ph> element that references another phrase, but that phrase itself contains a reference to the original. This will result in an infinite loop. The toolkit will stop following the conref trail when this is detected; you will need to correct the reference in your source files. Note that the name of the file in this message may have be changed to use a standard dita topic file extension ('.dita' or '.xml'), instead of the original extension used by the file; it may also include a path to the temporary directory rather than to the original.|
|DOTX014E|Error|The attribute conref="%1" uses invalid syntax. Conref references to a map element should contain '#' followed by an ID, such as mymap.ditamap#mytopicrefid.|The conref attribute must be a URI reference to a DITA element. Please see the topic on URI-based addressing in the DITA specification for details on the expected syntax.|
|DOTX015E|Error|The attribute conref="%1" uses invalid syntax. The value should contain '#' followed by a topic or map ID, optionally followed by '/elemID' for a sub-topic element.|The conref attribute must be a URI reference to a DITA element. Please see the topic on URI-based addressing in the DITA specification for details on the expected syntax. Note that the name of the file in this message may have be changed to use a standard dita topic file extension ('.dita' or '.xml'), instead of the original extension used by the file; it may also include a path to the temporary directory rather than to the original.|
|DOTX016W|Warning|A reference to "%2" appears to reference a DITA document, but the format attribute has inherited a value of "%1". The document will not be processed as DITA.|This warning is intended to catch instances where a non-DITA format setting unexpectedly cascades to a DITA topic, which will prevent the topic from being processed. To remove this message, set the format attribute directly on the indicated reference. Note that the name of the file in this message may have be changed to use a standard dita topic file extension ('.dita' or '.xml'), instead of the original extension used by the file; it may also include a path to the temporary directory rather than to the original.|
|DOTX017E|Error|Found a link or cross reference with an empty href attribute (href=""). Remove the empty href attribute or provide a value.|Found a value such as link text</xref>. The empty href attribute is not serving a purpose and has caused problems with some tools in the past; you should remove the attribute entirely or specify a value.|
|DOTX018I|Informational|The type attribute on a topicref was set to '%1', but the topicref references a more specific '%2' topic. Note that the type attribute cascades in maps, so the value '%1' may come from an ancestor topicref.|The type attribute in DITA is intended to describe the type of the target; for example, a reference to a concept topic may use type="concept". Generally, this attribute is optional, and the DITA-OT build will automatically determine the value during processing. In this case, the type attribute lists a more general type than what is actually found. This is not an error but may result in unexpected sorting for links to this topic.|
|DOTX019W|Warning|The type attribute on a topicref was set to '%1', but the topicref references a '%2' topic. This may cause your links to sort incorrectly in the output. Note that the type attribute cascades in maps, so the value '%1' may come from an ancestor topicref.|The type attribute in DITA is intended to describe the type of the target; for example, a reference to a concept topic may use type="concept". Generally, this attribute is optional, and the DITA-OT build will automatically determine the value during processing. In this case, the specified type value does not match the target, which may cause your links to sort inappropriately.|
|DOTX020E|Error|Missing navtitle attribute or element for peer topic "%1". References must provide a local navigation title when the target is not a local DITA resource.|The DITA-OT is only able to dynamically retrieve titles when the target is a local (not peer or external) DITA resource.|
|DOTX021E|Error|Missing navtitle attribute or element for non-DITA resource "%1". References must provide a local navigation title when the target is not a local DITA resource.|The DITA-OT is only able to dynamically retrieve titles when the target is a local DITA resource.|
|DOTX022W|Warning|Unable to retrieve navtitle from target: '%1'. Using linktext (specified in topicmeta) as the navigation title.|The build was unable to get a title from the referenced topic; instead, a navigation title will be created based on the specified element inside of .|
|DOTX023W|Warning|Unable to retrieve navtitle from target: '%1'.|If the target is a local DITA topic, ensure the reference is correct and the topic is available. Otherwise, provide a navigation title, and ensure the scope and format attributes are set appropriately.|
|DOTX024E|Error|Missing linktext and navtitle for peer topic "%1". References must provide a local navigation title when the target is not a local DITA resource.|The DITA-OT is only able to dynamically retrieve titles and link text when the target is a local (not peer or external) DITA resource.|
|DOTX025E|Error|Missing linktext and navtitle for non-DITA resource "%1". References must provide a local navigation title when the target is not a local DITA resource.|The DITA-OT is only able to dynamically retrieve titles when the target is a local DITA resource.|
|DOTX026W|Warning|Unable to retrieve linktext from target: '%1'. Using navigation title as fallback.|The referenc to this document did not specify any link text for generated map-based links; the navigation title will be used as fallback.|
|DOTX027W|Warning|Unable to retrieve linktext from target: '%1'.|The referenced file did not specify any link text for generated map-based links, and no fallback text could be located. Any links generated from this reference will have incorrect link text.|
|DOTX028E|Error|Link or cross reference must contain a valid href or keyref attribute; no link target is specified.|The link or cross reference has no target specified and will not generate a link.|
|DOTX029I|Informational|The type attribute on a %1 element was set to %3, but the reference is to a more specific %4 %2. This may cause your links to sort incorrectly in the output.|The type attribute in DITA is intended to describe the type of the target; for example, a reference to a concept topic may use type="concept". Generally, this attribute is optional, and the DITA-OT build will automatically determine the value during processing. In this case, the type attribute lists a more general type than what is actually found. This is not an error but may result in unexpected sorting for links to this topic.|
|DOTX030W|Warning|The type attribute on a %1 element was set to %3, but the reference is to a %4 %2. This may cause your links to sort incorrectly in the output.|The type attribute in DITA is intended to describe the type of the target; for example, a reference to a concept topic may use type="concept". Generally, this attribute is optional, and the DITA-OT build will automatically determine the value during processing. In this case, the specified type value does not match the target, which may cause your links to sort inappropriately.|
|DOTX031E|Error|The file %1 is not available to resolve link information.|The build attempted to access the specified file in order to retrive a title or short description, but the file could not be found. If the file exists, it is possible that a DITAVAL file was used to remove the file's contents from the build. Be aware that the path information above may not match the link in your topic.|
|DOTX032E|Error|Unable to retrieve link text from target: '%1'. If the target is not accessible at build time, or does not have a title, provide the link text inside the reference.|When a link or cross reference does not have content, the build will attempt to pull the target's title for use as link text. If the target is unavailable, be sure to set the scope attribute to an appropriate value. If the target does not have a title (such as when linking to a paragraph), be sure to provide link text inside the cross reference.|
|DOTX033E|Error|Unable to generate link text for a cross reference to a list item: '%1'|An element specifies type="li", which indicates a link to a list item, but the item number could not be determined to use as link text. Please specify link text inside the reference, or ensure that you are referencing an available list item.|
|DOTX034E|Error|Unable to generate link text for a cross reference to an undered list item: '%1'|The cross reference goes to a list item in an unordered list. The process could not automatically generate link text because the list item is not numbered. Please provide link text within the cross reference.|
|DOTX035E|Error|Unable to generate the correct number for a cross reference to a footnote: '%1'|An element specifies type="fn", which indicates a link to a footnote, but the footnote number could not be determined to use as link text. Please specify link text inside the reference, or ensure that you are referencing an available footnote.|
|DOTX036E|Error|Unable to generate link text for a cross reference to a dlentry (the dlentry or term could not be found): '%1'|An element specifies type="dlentry", which indicates a link to a definition list entry, but the term could not be located to use as link text. Please specify link text inside the reference, or ensure that you are referencing an available definition list entry|
|DOTX037W|Warning|No title found for this document; using "***" in XHTML title bar.|No title was found for the current document, so the HTML output file will set the to "***". This value generally appears in the title bar at the top of a browser.|
|DOTX038I|Informational|The longdescref attribute on tag '%1' will be ignored. Accessibility for object elements needs to be handled another way.|The