Adding Ant targets to the pre-process pipeline

Every step in the pre-process pipeline defines an extension point before and after the step, to allow plug-ins to integrate additional processing. This allows a plug-in to insert a new step before any pre-processing step, as well as before or after the entire preprocess pipeline.

The group of preprocessing steps defines extension points before and after the full preprocessing chain.

depend.preprocess.pre : Preprocessing pre-target; extending this target runs your Ant target before the full preprocess routine begins. : Preprocessing post-target; extending this target runs your Ant target after the full preprocess routine completes.

In addition, there are extension points to execute an Ant target before individual preprocessing steps.

depend.preprocess.clean-temp.pre : Clean temp pre-target

depend.preprocess.gen-list.pre : Generate list pre-target

depend.preprocess.debug-filter.pre : Debug and filter pre-target

depend.preprocess.conrefpush.pre : Content reference push pre-target

depend.preprocess.move-meta-entries.pre : Move meta entries pre-target

depend.preprocess.conref.pre : Content reference pre-target

depend.preprocess.coderef.pre : Code reference pre-target

depend.preprocess.mapref.pre : Map reference pre-target

depend.preprocess.keyref.pre : Resolve key reference pre-target

depend.preprocess.mappull.pre : Map pull pre-target

depend.preprocess.chunk.pre : Chunking pre-target

depend.preprocess.maplink.pre : Map link pre-target

depend.preprocess.topicpull.pre : Topic pull pre-target

depend.preprocess.copy-files.pre : Copy files pre-target

depend.preprocess.copy-image.pre : Copy images pre-target

depend.preprocess.copy-html.pre : Copy HTML pre-target

depend.preprocess.copy-flag.pre : Copy flag pre-target

depend.preprocess.copy-subsidiary.pre : Copy subsidiary pre-target

depend.preprocess.copy-generated-files.pre : Copy generated files pre-target


The following feature adds "myAntTargetBeforeChunk" Ant target to be executed before the chunk step in preprocessing. It assumes that an Ant file defining that target has already been integrated.

<plugin id="com.example.extendchunk">
  <feature extension="depend.preprocess.chunk.pre" value="myAntTargetBeforeChunk"/>

When integrated, the Ant target "myAntTargetBeforeChunk" will be added to the Ant dependency list so that it always runs immediately before the Chunk step.