Conref (conref)

The conref step resolves conref attributes, processing only the DITA maps or topics that use the @conref attribute. This step is implemented in XSLT.

The values of the @id attribute on referenced content are changed as the elements are pulled into the new locations. This ensures that the values of the @id attribute within the referencing topic remain unique.

If an element is pulled into a new context along with a cross reference that references the target, both the values of the @id and @xref attributes are updated so that they remain valid in the new location. For example, a referenced topic might include a section as in the following example:

<topic id="referenced_topic">
    <section id="sect"><title>Sample section</title>
      <p>Figure <xref href="#referenced_topic/fig"/> contains an code sample that demonstrates ... .</p>
      <fig id="fig"><title>Code sample</title>

When the section is referenced using a @conref attribute, the value of the @id attribute on the element is modified to ensure that it remains unique in the new context. At the same time, the element is also modified so that it remains valid as a local reference. For example, if the referencing topic has an @id set to "new_topic", then the conrefed element may look like this in the intermediate document.

<section id="sect"><title>Sample section</title>
    <p>Figure <xref href="#new_topic/d1e25"/> contains an code sample that demonstrates ... .</p>
    <fig id="d1e25"><title>Code sample</title>

In this case, the value of the @id attribute on the element has been changed to a generated value of "d1e25". At the same time, the element has been updated to use that new generated ID, so that the cross reference remains valid.