All DITA-OT extension points

The pre-defined extension points can be used to add new functionality to DITA-OT. If your toolkit installation includes custom plug-ins that define additional extension points, you can add to this list by rebuilding the DITA-OT documentation.


    Defined in plug-in org.dita.base.

    Adds an Ant import to the main Ant build file.

    Attention: This extension point is deprecated; use ant.import instead.


    Defined in plug-in org.dita.base.

    Adds an Ant import to the main Ant build file.

    Tip: As of DITA-OT 3.0, the ant.import extension point can be used instead.

  • dita.conductor.plugin

    Defined in plug-in org.dita.base.

    Ant conductor plug-in information

  • ant.import

    Defined in plug-in org.dita.base.

    Adds an Ant import to the main Ant build file.

  • depend.preprocess.chunk.pre

    Defined in plug-in org.dita.base.

    Runs an Ant target before the chunk step in the pre-processing stage.

  • depend.preprocess.clean-temp.pre

    Defined in plug-in org.dita.base.

    Runs an Ant target before the clean-temp step in the pre-processing stage.

  • depend.preprocess.coderef.pre

    Defined in plug-in org.dita.base.

    Runs an Ant target before the coderef step in the pre-processing stage.

  • org.dita.pdf2.catalog.relative

    Defined in plug-in org.dita.pdf2.

    Adds the content of a catalog file to the main catalog file for the PDF plug-in.

  • dita.xsl.conref

    Defined in plug-in org.dita.base.

    Content reference XSLT import

  • dita.preprocess.conref.param

    Defined in plug-in org.dita.base.

    Content reference XSLT parameters

  • depend.preprocess.conref.pre

    Defined in plug-in org.dita.base.

    Runs an Ant target before the conref step in the pre-processing stage.

  • depend.preprocess.conrefpush.pre

    Defined in plug-in org.dita.base.

    Runs an Ant target before the conrefpush step in the pre-processing stage.

  • depend.preprocess.copy-html.pre

    Defined in plug-in org.dita.base.

    Runs an Ant target before the copy-html step in the pre-processing stage.

  • depend.preprocess.copy-files.pre

    Defined in plug-in org.dita.base.

    Runs an Ant target before the copy-files step in the pre-processing stage.

  • depend.preprocess.copy-flag.pre

    Defined in plug-in org.dita.base.

    Runs an Ant target before the copy-flag step in the pre-processing stage.

  • depend.preprocess.copy-image.pre

    Defined in plug-in org.dita.base.

    Runs an Ant target before the copy-image step in the pre-processing stage.

  • depend.preprocess.copy-subsidiary.pre

    Defined in plug-in org.dita.base.

    Runs an Ant target before the copy-subsidiary step in the pre-processing stage.

  • dita.parser

    Defined in plug-in org.dita.base.

    Custom DITA parser

  • depend.preprocess.debug-filter.pre

    Defined in plug-in org.dita.base.

    Runs an Ant target before the debug-filter step in the pre-processing stage.

  • dita.preprocess.debug-filter.param

    Defined in plug-in org.dita.base.

    Debug filter module parameters


    Defined in plug-in org.dita.base.

    Debug filter module parameters

  • dita.preprocess.topic-reader.param

    Defined in plug-in org.dita.base.

    Debug filter module parameters

  • dita.xsl.messages

    Defined in plug-in org.dita.base.

    Adds new diagnostic messages to DITA-OT.

  • dita.conductor.eclipse.toc.param

    Defined in plug-in org.dita.eclipsehelp.

    Pass parameters to the XSLT step that generates the Eclipse Help table of contents (TOC).

  • dita.xsl.eclipse.toc

    Defined in plug-in org.dita.eclipsehelp.

    Overrides the default XSLT step that generates the Eclipse Help table of contents (TOC).


    Defined in plug-in org.dita.eclipsehelp.

    Runs an Ant target before the Eclipse index extraction process.

  • dita.xsl.eclipse.plugin

    Defined in plug-in org.dita.eclipsehelp.

    Overrides the default XSLT step that generates the plugin.xml file for Eclipse Help.

  • dita.basedir-resource-directory

    Defined in plug-in org.dita.base.

    Flag to use basedir as resource directory

  • dita.conductor.pdf2.formatter.check

    Defined in plug-in org.dita.pdf2.

    Formatter check


    Defined in plug-in org.dita.pdf2.

    Formatting post-target


    Defined in plug-in org.dita.pdf2.

    Formatting pre-target


    Defined in plug-in org.dita.pdf2.

    Formatting target

  • depend.preprocess.gen-list.pre

    Defined in plug-in org.dita.base.

    Runs an Ant target before the gen-list step in the pre-processing stage.

  • dita.xsl.strings

    Defined in plug-in org.dita.base.

    Generated text

  • dita.xsl.htmlhelp.map2hhc

    Defined in plug-in org.dita.htmlhelp.

    Overrides the default XSLT step that generates the HTML Help contents (.hhc) file.

  • dita.xsl.htmlhelp.map2hhp

    Defined in plug-in org.dita.htmlhelp.

    Overrides the default XSLT step that generates the HTML Help project (.hhp) file.

  • dita.conductor.html.param

    Defined in plug-in org.dita.xhtml.

    Pass parameters to the HTML and HTML Help transformations.

  • dita.html.extensions

    Defined in plug-in org.dita.base.

    HTML file extension

  • dita.xsl.html.cover

    Defined in plug-in org.dita.xhtml.

    Overrides the default HTML cover page generation process.

  • dita.xsl.htmltoc

    Defined in plug-in org.dita.xhtml.

    Overrides the default XSLT step that generates the HTML table of contents (TOC).

  • dita.xsl.xhtml

    Defined in plug-in org.dita.xhtml.

    Overrides the default HTML or XHTML transformation, including HTML Help and Eclipse Help. The referenced file is integrated directly into the XSLT step that generates XHTML.

  • dita.conductor.xhtml.toc.param

    Defined in plug-in org.dita.xhtml.

    Pass parameters to the XSLT step that generates the XHTML table of contents (TOC).

  • dita.conductor.html5.toc.param

    Defined in plug-in org.dita.html5.

    Pass parameters to the XSLT step that generates the HTML5 table of contents (TOC).

  • dita.xsl.html5.cover

    Defined in plug-in org.dita.html5.

    Overrides the default HTML5 cover page generation process.

  • dita.xsl.html5.toc

    Defined in plug-in org.dita.html5.

    Overrides the default XSLT step that generates the HTML5 table of contents (TOC).

  • dita.xsl.html5

    Defined in plug-in org.dita.html5.

    Overrides the default HTML5 transformation. The referenced file is integrated directly into the XSLT step that generates HTML5.

  • dita.conductor.html5.param

    Defined in plug-in org.dita.html5.

    Pass parameters to the HTML5 transformation.

  • dita.image.extensions

    Defined in plug-in org.dita.base.

    Image file extension


    Defined in plug-in org.dita.pdf2.

    Indexing target


    Defined in plug-in org.dita.pdf2.

    Initialization pre-target

  • dita.conductor.lib.import

    Defined in plug-in org.dita.base.

    Adds a Java library to the DITA-OT classpath.

  • depend.preprocess.keyref.pre

    Defined in plug-in org.dita.base.

    Runs an Ant target before the keyref step in the pre-processing stage.

  • dita.xsl.maplink

    Defined in plug-in org.dita.base.

    Map link XSLT import

  • depend.preprocess.maplink.pre

    Defined in plug-in org.dita.base.

    Runs an Ant target before the maplink step in the pre-processing stage.

  • dita.preprocess.mappull.param

    Defined in plug-in org.dita.base.

    Map pull XSLT parameters

  • dita.xsl.mappull

    Defined in plug-in org.dita.base.

    Map pull XSLT import

  • depend.preprocess.mappull.pre

    Defined in plug-in org.dita.base.

    Runs an Ant target before the mappull step in the pre-processing stage.

  • dita.xsl.mapref

    Defined in plug-in org.dita.base.

    Map reference XSLT import

  • dita.preprocess.mapref.param

    Defined in plug-in org.dita.base.

    Map reference XSLT parameters

  • depend.preprocess.mapref.pre

    Defined in plug-in org.dita.base.

    Runs an Ant target before the mapref step in the pre-processing stage.

  • dita.xsl.markdown

    Defined in plug-in org.lwdita.

    Markdown overrides XSLT import

  • depend.preprocess.move-meta-entries.pre

    Defined in plug-in org.dita.base.

    Runs an Ant target before the move-meta-entries step in the pre-processing stage.

  • dita.xsl.xslfo.i18n-postprocess

    Defined in plug-in org.dita.pdf2.

    PDF I18N postprocess import

  • dita.xsl.xslfo

    Defined in plug-in org.dita.pdf2.

    Overrides the default PDF transformation. The referenced XSL file is integrated directly into the XSLT step that generates the XSL-FO.

  • dita.conductor.pdf2.param

    Defined in plug-in org.dita.pdf2.

    Pass parameters to the PDF transformation.

  • org.dita.pdf2.xsl.topicmerge

    Defined in plug-in org.dita.pdf2.

    PDF2 topic merge XSLT import

  • dita.catalog.plugin-info

    Defined in plug-in org.dita.base.

    Plug-in XML catalog information


    Defined in plug-in org.dita.base.

    Specifies the e-mail address of the person who provides support for the DITA-OT plug-in.


    Defined in plug-in org.dita.base.

    Specifies the person who provides support for the DITA-OT plug-in.

  • package.version

    Defined in plug-in org.dita.base.

    Specifies the version of the DITA-OT plug-in.


    Defined in plug-in org.dita.base.

    Runs an Ant target after the pre-processing stage.

  • depend.preprocess.pre

    Defined in plug-in org.dita.base.

    Runs an Ant target before the pre-processing stage.

  • dita.transtype.print

    Defined in plug-in org.dita.base.

    Defines a transformation as a print type.

  • dita.resource.extensions

    Defined in plug-in org.dita.base.

    Resource file extension

  • dita.xsl.topicpull

    Defined in plug-in org.dita.base.

    Topic pull XSLT import

  • dita.preprocess.topicpull.param

    Defined in plug-in org.dita.base.

    Topic pull XSLT parameters

  • depend.preprocess.topicpull.pre

    Defined in plug-in org.dita.base.

    Runs an Ant target before the topicpull step in the pre-processing stage.

  • dita.conductor.transtype.check

    Defined in plug-in org.dita.base.

    Adds a new value to the list of valid transformation types.

    Tip: This extension point is still supported for backwards compatibility, but since DITA-OT 2.1, any new customizations should instead use the <transtype> element in the Plug-in descriptor file to define a new transformation.

  • dita.conductor.xhtml.param

    Defined in plug-in org.dita.xhtml.

    Pass parameters to the XHTML and Eclipse Help transformations.

  • dita.specialization.catalog

    Defined in plug-in org.dita.base.

    Adds the content of a catalog file to the main DITA-OT catalog file.

    Attention: This extension point is deprecated; use dita.specialization.catalog.relative instead.

  • dita.specialization.catalog.relative

    Defined in plug-in org.dita.base.

    Adds the content of a catalog file to the main DITA-OT catalog file.