HTML-based output parameters

Certain parameters apply to all HTML-based transformation types: HTML5, XHTML, HTML Help, and Eclipse help.

  • args.artlbl

    Specifies whether to generate a label for each image; the label will contain the image file name. The allowed values are yes and no; the default value is no.

  • args.copycss

    Specifies whether to copy the custom .css file to the output directory. The allowed values are yes and no; the default value is no.

    If an external process will copy your custom .css file to the output directory, leave this parameter unset (or set it to no). If DITA-OT should copy the file when generating output, set it to yes.

  • args.css

    Specifies the name of a custom .css file.

    The value of this parameter should be only the file name. The absolute path to the parent directory should be specified with args.cssroot.

  • args.csspath

    Specifies the destination directory to which .css files are copied (relative to the output directory).

    Corresponds to the XSLT parameter CSSPATH.

    DITA-OT will copy the file to this location.

    Tip: If args.csspath is not set, the custom CSS file (and the default CSS files) will be copied to the root level of the output folder. To copy CSS files to an output subfolder named css, set args.csspath to css.

  • args.cssroot

    Specifies the source directory that contains the custom .css file.

    DITA-OT will copy the file from this location.

    Important: Enter the absolute path to the parent directory of the custom CSS file specified with args.css.

  • args.dita.locale

    Specifies the language locale file to use for sorting index entries.

    Note: This parameter is not available for the XHTML transformation.

  • args.eclipse.provider

    Specifies the name of the person or organization that provides the Eclipse help.


    Specifies the symbolic name (aka plugin ID) in the output for an Eclipse Help project.

  • args.eclipse.version

    Specifies the version number to include in the output.


    Specifies the region for the language that is specified by the args.


    Specifies that the output should be zipped and returned using this name.

  • args.eclipsehelp.language

    Specifies the base language for translated content, such as en for English.


    Specifies an XML file that contains content for a running footer.

    Corresponds to the XSLT parameter FTR.

    Note: The footer file should be specified using an absolute path and must contain valid XML. A common practice is to place all content into a <div> element. In HTML5 output, the footer file contents will be wrapped in an HTML5 <footer> element with the @role attribute set to contentinfo.

  • args.gen.default.meta

    Generate metadata for parental control scanners, meta elements with name="security" and name="Robots". The allowed values are yes and no; the default value is no.

    Corresponds to the XSLT parameter genDefMeta.

  • args.hdf

    Specifies an XML file that contains content to be placed in the document head.

    The contents of the header file will be inserted in the <head> element of the generated HTML files.

    Tip: The header file should be specified using an absolute path and must contain valid XML. If you need to insert more than one element into the HTML page head, wrap the content in a <div> element. The division wrapper in the header file will be discarded when generating HTML files, and the contents will be inserted into each page head.

  • args.hdr

    Specifies an XML file that contains content for a running header.

    Corresponds to the XSLT parameter HDR.

    Note: The header file should be specified using an absolute path and must contain valid XML. A common practice is to place all content into a <div> element. In HTML5 output, the contents of the header file will be wrapped in an HTML5 <header> element with the @role attribute set to banner.


    Specifies whether to hide links to parent topics in the HTML or XHTML output. The allowed values are yes and no; the default value is no.

    Corresponds to the XSLT parameter NOPARENTLINK.

    Note: This parameter is deprecated in favor of the args.rellinks parameter.

  • args.htmlhelp.includefile

    Specifies the name of a file that you want included in the HTML Help.

  • args.indexshow

    Specifies whether the content of <indexterm> elements are rendered in the output. The allowed values are yes and no; the default value is no.

  • args.outext

    Specifies the file extension for HTML or XHTML output.

    Corresponds to the XSLT parameter OUTEXT.

  • args.xhtml.classattr

    Specifies whether to include the DITA class ancestry inside the XHTML elements. The allowed values are yes and no; the default value is yes.

    For example, the <prereq> element (which is specialized from <section>) would generate class="section prereq". Corresponds to the XSLT parameter PRESERVE-DITA-CLASS.

    Note: Beginning with DITA-OT release 1.5.2, the default value is yes. For release 1.5 and 1.5.1, the default value was no.

  • args.xhtml.contenttarget

    Specifies the value of the @target attribute on the <base> element in the TOC file.

  • args.xhtml.toc

    Specifies the base name of the TOC file.

  • args.xhtml.toc.class

    Specifies the value of the @class attribute on the <body> element in the TOC file.

  • args.xhtml.toc.xsl

    Specifies a custom XSL file to be used for TOC generation.

  • args.xsl

    Specifies a custom XSL file to be used instead of the default XSL transformation.

    The parameter must specify a fully qualified file name.

Related information

Eclipse help transformation

HTML help transformation

XHTML transformation

Setting parameters for custom HTML

HTML5 transformation

Bundling CSS in a custom HTML plug-in

Embedding web fonts in HTML output

Inserting JavaScript in generated HTML

Eclipse Help parameters

HTML5 parameters

Microsoft Compiled HTML Help parameters

XHTML parameters