Internal Ant properties

DITA-OT uses these Ant properties in certain internal operations. They are not intended for general use, but may be adjusted by plug-in developers to configure custom transform types.

Attention: Internal properties are subject to change from one version of DITA-OT to another.

  • include.rellinks

    A space-separated list of link roles to be output; the #default value token represents links without an explicit role (those for which no @role attribute is defined). Defined by args.rellinks, but may be overridden directly.

    Valid roles include:

    • parent
    • child
    • sibling
    • friend
    • next
    • previous
    • cousin
    • ancestor
    • descendant
    • sample
    • external
    • other

    This property can be used to place all output in an internal directory, so that a final step in the transform type can do some form of post-processing before the files are placed in the specified output directory.

    For example, if a custom HTML5 transform sets the property to zip_dir, all output files (including HTML, images, and CSS) will be placed within the directory zip_dir in the temporary processing directory. A final step can then be used to add more files, zip the directory, and return that zip to the designated output directory.