XSLT-parameter extension points

You can use these extension points to pass parameters into existing XSLT steps in both the pre-processing pipeline and DITA-OT transformation. The parameters generally will be available as global <xsl:param> values with XSLT overrides.


You can use the following extension points to pass parameters to modules in the pre-processing pipeline:

  • dita.preprocess.conref.param

    Pass parameters to the conref module in the pre-processing pipeline

  • dita.preprocess.mappull.param

    Pass parameters to the mappull module in the pre-processing pipeline

  • dita.preprocess.mapref.param

    Pass parameters to the mapref module in the pre-processing pipeline

  • dita.preprocess.topicpull.param

    Pass parameters to the topicpull module in the pre-processing pipeline


You can use the following extension points to pass parameters to modules in DITA-OT transformations:

  • dita.conductor.eclipse.toc.param

    Pass parameters to the XSLT step that generates the Eclipse Help table of contents (TOC).

  • dita.conductor.html.param

    Pass parameters to the HTML and HTML Help transformations.

  • dita.conductor.html5.param

    Pass parameters to the HTML5 transformation.

  • dita.conductor.html5.toc.param

    Pass parameters to the XSLT step that generates the HTML5 table of contents (TOC).

  • dita.conductor.pdf2.param

    Pass parameters to the PDF transformation.

  • dita.conductor.xhtml.param

    Pass parameters to the XHTML and Eclipse Help transformations.

  • dita.conductor.xhtml.toc.param

    Pass parameters to the XSLT step that generates the XHTML table of contents (TOC).


The following two files represent a complete (albeit simple) plug-in that passes the parameters defined in the insertParameters.xml file to the XHTML transformation process.

<plugin id="com.example.newparam">
  <feature extension="dita.conductor.xhtml.param"
<dummy xmlns:if="ant:if" xmlns:unless="ant:unless">
  *&lt;!-- Any Ant code allowed in xslt task is possible. Example: --&gt;*
  <param name="paramNameinXSLT" expression="${antProperty}"