Customizing HTML with a .properties file

You can also use a .properties file to reference a set of build parameters when building output with the dita command. The DITA-OT documentation uses a .properties file to include custom CSS, header branding, and table-of-contents navigation in the HTML5 output.

  1. Create a .properties file to store the parameter settings for your customization.

    Tip: You can use one of the sample .properties files from the DITA-OT documentation as a starting point for your own customizations. These files are available in the installation folder under docsrc/samples/properties/.

    For example:

    # Directory that contains the custom .css file:
    args.cssroot = ${args.input.dir}/css/
    # Custom .css file used to style output:
    args.css = style.css
    # Copy the custom .css file to the output directory:
    args.copycss = yes
    # Location of the copied .css file relative to the output:
    args.csspath = branding
    # Generate a full navigation TOC in topic pages:
    nav-toc = full
  2. Reference your .properties file with the dita command when building your output.

    `dita` **--input**=*my.ditamap* **--format**=html5 **--propertyfile**=**

Note: For an example of HTML output generated using this method, see the HTML5 version of the DITA-OT documentation included in the installation folder under doc/index.html.