General extension points

These extension points enable you to extend DITA-OT. You can add Ant targets or imports; add a Java library to the classpath parameter; add a new transformation type; extend a catalog file; add new diagnostic messages, and more.

  • ant.import

    Adds an Ant import to the main Ant build file.

  • dita.conductor.lib.import

    Adds a Java library to the DITA-OT classpath.


    Adds an Ant import to the main Ant build file.

    Attention: This extension point is deprecated; use ant.import instead.


    Adds an Ant import to the main Ant build file.

    Tip: As of DITA-OT 3.0, the ant.import extension point can be used instead.

  • dita.conductor.transtype.check

    Adds a new value to the list of valid transformation types.

    Tip: This extension point is still supported for backwards compatibility, but since DITA-OT 2.1, any new customizations should instead use the <transtype> element in the Plug-in descriptor file to define a new transformation.

  • dita.specialization.catalog

    Adds the content of a catalog file to the main DITA-OT catalog file.

    Attention: This extension point is deprecated; use dita.specialization.catalog.relative instead.

  • dita.specialization.catalog.relative

    Adds the content of a catalog file to the main DITA-OT catalog file.

  • dita.transtype.print

    Defines a transformation as a print type.

  • dita.xsl.messages

    Adds new diagnostic messages to DITA-OT.

  • org.dita.pdf2.catalog.relative

    Adds the content of a catalog file to the main catalog file for the PDF plug-in.

Related information

Extension points in org.dita.base