Removing plug-ins

Use the dita uninstall subcommand to remove a plug-in.

  1. At the command-line prompt, enter the following command:

    `dita uninstall` *<plug-in-id>*


    • *<plug-in-id>* is the unique ID of the plug-in, as defined in the plug-in’s configuration file (plugin.xml). Note: In earlier versions of DITA-OT (2.4–3.4), use the double-hyphen option syntax dita --uninstall. In DITA-OT 2.0–2.3, use the single-hyphen form: dita -uninstall.

    Attention: The uninstall subcommand also removes the corresponding plug-in directory from the plugins folder.

Related information

Arguments and options for the dita command

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