Eclipse Help parameters

Certain parameters are specific to the Eclipse help transformation.

  • args.eclipse.provider

    Specifies the name of the person or organization that provides the Eclipse help.

    The default value is DITA.

    Tip: The toolkit ignores the value of this parameter when it processes an Eclipse map.


    Specifies the symbolic name (aka plugin ID) in the output for an Eclipse Help project.

    The @id value from the DITA map or the Eclipse map collection (Eclipse help specialization) is the symbolic name for the plugin in Eclipse. The default value is

    Tip: The toolkit ignores the value of this parameter when it processes an Eclipse map.

  • args.eclipse.version

    Specifies the version number to include in the output.

    The default value is 0.0.0.

    Tip: The toolkit ignores the value of this parameter when it processes an Eclipse map.


    Specifies the region for the language that is specified by the args.

    For example, us, ca, and gb would clarify a value of en set for the args.eclipsehelp.language parameter. The content will be moved into the appropriate directory structure for an Eclipse fragment.


    Specifies that the output should be zipped and returned using this name.

  • args.eclipsehelp.language

    Specifies the base language for translated content, such as en for English.

    This parameter is a prerequisite for the parameter. The content will be moved into the appropriate directory structure for an Eclipse fragment.

Related information

Eclipse help transformation

Common parameters

HTML-based output parameters