Version and support information

You can use these extension points to define version and support information for a plug-in. Currently, DITA-OT does not do anything with this information, but it might do so in the future.


    Specifies the person who provides support for the DITA-OT plug-in.


    Specifies the e-mail address of the person who provides support for the DITA-OT plug-in.

  • package.version

    Specifies the version of the DITA-OT plug-in.

    The value uses the following syntax:



    • major is a number and is required.
    • minor is a number and is optional.
    • micro is a number and is optional.
    • qualifier is optional and can be composed of numerals, uppercase or lower case letters, underscores, and hyphens. By default, the package.version value is set to 0.0.0.


<plugin id="com.example.WithSupportInfo">
  <feature extension="" value="Joe the Author"/>
  <feature extension="" value=""/>
  <feature extension="package.version" value="1.2.3"/>

Related information

Extension points in org.dita.base